text before/after "add text" Text file


Like if you have text file with donations, but that list is auto updated by a program with only names on who donated.

But I want the text to be scrolling. So I can not have a separated text pre the scroll text, because that would not be in sync with scrolling, and without scrolling it would look strange.

ofc maybe the programmer of the donation program can be asked to be able to add text before, but in the long run there will always be new programs, so the best option would prob to have a "pre" and "after" text options, because Im sure that OBS will be the program that lasts longer then temporary "Donation programs".

So what I ask for Add text properties you would have 3 fields.

Pre Text: Link to a xxx.txt file or an box where you can write something.
Main Text: Link to a xxx.txt file or an box where you can write something.
After Text: Link to a xxx.txt file or an box where you can write something.

And all 3 of them can either be a text file of it own or a box where you can add a small text like it is now.


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
I actually had to clear the forums at some point so may have missed some. Let me see..

I actually am totally confused by your post. Do you think you could lay it out a bit more clearly? Adding 3 file fields doesn't seem like the ideal way to deal with any situation. I don't feel comfortable when the solution is like that (even though I can't seem to figure out precisely what the problem is)


Forum Admin
They want to be able to prefix or suffix the data of a file with text, instead of needing multiple text sources.

A relatively easy fix for this would be to use something like %%data%% in the text source when a file is selected.

For example, if I have a Now Playing script for my music. I'd select the music txt and then in the text field I would have "Current Song: %%data%%"


Jim said:
I actually had to clear the forums at some point so may have missed some. Let me see..

I actually am totally confused by your post. Do you think you could lay it out a bit more clearly? Adding 3 file fields doesn't seem like the ideal way to deal with any situation. I don't feel comfortable when the solution is like that (even though I can't seem to figure out precisely what the problem is)

Oki, Ill explain the suggestion.

Right now I have a program that is linked to Paypal donations. So when I get a donation that name is written in donation.txt and in OBS I import that text file and have it as scrolling text on the stream.

But it is only a name written in the text file that is scrolling. What I would like to have is for example "Recent Donator" written as PRE the "textfile".
So the scrolling text would be "Recent Donator: Wolfbane" or something like that.
And the same would be for my other file, for example "Top Donator"

The reason why I dont add another text field, is because I have it scrolling on the stream. I think a stationary name on the screen 100% of the time is a bit irritating, so I want the scrolling name to only be there for a few secs, that's why I use scrolling texts option.

And if you add a lot of "(spaces)" after a text, then you can get that text to show spaces=nothing on the screen for a longer time. In other words, it is possible to have the donation information on the screen for a short period. So have the information Recent donatior scrolling by and showing 10-20% of the time instead of 100% time.

There is a lot of programs and plugins out there that rip information like donations, songs, requests and other stuff and saves as a text file, and having the option to write something before and after that would be really nice. It is easy to do if you don't use scrolling text, but no way to make it when using scrolling text.

So as I wrote in before...

Before text option:
Main Text: This is what we have now.
After text option:

But if you are gonna add Pre and After text, then you might as well add the option to have the option for the Before and After text could also be a file instead of just have a field to write in.

Hope that explained things.

jason stuart

New Member
Sorry to resurrect an old thread but I'm trying to do something like this. I want to scroll entered text with text from file. Is there a way to call a file from the enter text field or am i barking up the wrong tree here?