So today on the official version(not test 6) I was messing with VAC trying to set up my different audio sources to play on stream. I eventually came to the realize I needed the new Test 6 version to set the audio device OBS uses. This made everything I was trying accomplish work perfect. Except for w/e reason on the Test 6 version my microphone gets delayed over time?
For example...
I will say "Testing..." and on my second computer I hear myself say testing, work perfectly fine. Except the second time I say
"Testing..." all I hear is the normal background noise/static that my microphone normally makes except I don't hear myself say "testing." This is because I let go of my push to talk key right after I speak. However if I held it long enough I would hear myself say "Testing" eventually but extremely delayed. If I say something longer such as "Why isn't this working, I don't get it!" All I will hear on my second computer is the normal background noise for a few seconds and then "Why isn't this working..." and it cuts off. I do not hear "..I don't get it!"
It could be on my end still, however this does not happen when I go back to the official version of OBS!
Has anyone else had this problem?
For example...
I will say "Testing..." and on my second computer I hear myself say testing, work perfectly fine. Except the second time I say
"Testing..." all I hear is the normal background noise/static that my microphone normally makes except I don't hear myself say "testing." This is because I let go of my push to talk key right after I speak. However if I held it long enough I would hear myself say "Testing" eventually but extremely delayed. If I say something longer such as "Why isn't this working, I don't get it!" All I will hear on my second computer is the normal background noise for a few seconds and then "Why isn't this working..." and it cuts off. I do not hear "..I don't get it!"
It could be on my end still, however this does not happen when I go back to the official version of OBS!
Has anyone else had this problem?