teamspeak lights up background of webcam on stream


New Member
I have a question if such a plugin exists or could be created:

Our stream overlay has a row of webcam boxes for our talk show hosts that can be seen here. We use teamspeak to communicate between each other onstream
and are using a simple TS overlay that let's viewers know who's talking that appears
as a list on the side of the screen as seen here.However this is not aesthetically pleasing and I'm curious if there is any way to make the background (greenscreen) of each webcam light up depending on who's talking at the time.

Any and all help would be extremely appreciated.

twitch channel:
I'm afraid that'd require quite a complicated set up where certain conditions (like an audio source passing a certain volume, or a certain region of capture changes) flips a certain bit and then a background image gets toggled because of that bit.

That's probably a whole new subsystem where these bits are to be managed and carried along across buffers..

So I wouldn't hold my breath...


New Member
I was thinking that if i had the unique id for each person, that a script could keep track of whenever one of those unique id's is transmitting and toggle a light effect?
Well, yes.

But there is no possibility to script stuff at the moment. It's all programmed, precompiled DLLs. Which is ok for the most part. Adding scripting is a whole other can-o-worms...


The Helping Squad
Well, if you take a look at the TeamSpeak Plugin we have, it might be possible to do, but would definitely need some development.
I think the current plugin shows the name of the currently talking person in your channel, if I remember correct. (Or a list of all, with the one talking behing highlighted). So in theory, instead of doing this it could highlight an area of your screen by showing an image for example.
It would make the plugin much more complicated as it would need some way of setting up the image and the areas on the screen, and link them to the correct person. But it might be doable if you find someone to code it.


I mean, I see the biggest issue being latency between webcam and person talking syncing up. I mean yes you could have a reactive webcam frame that lights up say when you hit ctrl or something. In this way you have the feed coming in real time w/ the who's talking framing. However I just seeing syncing issues any other way making it more confusing on who's talking which you're trying to obviously make more obvious.
As Jack0r said, an edited output of the TS3 plugin that exists (and OP is using) seems to be what OP is after.

Changing the output from writing to file to toggling an image would actually make the plugin simpler as it removes the need for the text part of the existing plugin. Also, scrubbing the change name/channel/mute/deafen stuff would make it a bit lighter too.

The image info I don't think would be much of a problem as toggling sources is fairly straight forward and there are very simple ways to get the images to link with the output from TS (like having the source and TS names the same).

As for syncing issues, grabbing the info from TS wouldn't really cause many issues depending on the polling rate. I think the existing TS plugin grabs 10 times a second if I remember right.

While and interesting idea, and I feel fairly straightforward edit (famous last words) of the existing plugin, I'm hesitant to say that I'd develop it as I'm not sure about available time atm.
@Kingbigdip I had some time to fiddle about:

Is this the kind of thing you are after?

Set a source to be displayed for each person in the TS channel (up to 10 people).
Give each source the same name as the person's name in TS.
When ever someone in the channel is speaking, the source should show. When the are silent, it will not.

You can change the IP of the TS client (if not on the same machine as OBS) in the config.
You can change the refresh rate of the plugin (how often it asks TS who is talking) in the config. Higher refresh rates will impact CPU performance and may cause the TS client to time you out.

This plugin doesn't play nicely with the existing TS3 Plugin. You can't use both at the same time as far as I'm aware (or it may work, not 100%). If it's not working out the box, try uninstalling the TS3 Plugin and try again.


I mean, its still a yes and no situation, you guys aren't factoring in the LATENCY...The peoples webcams will in no way be in sync w/ there voice adding to the confusion when multiple people are talking. The op is looking for a way to actually visibly light up a webcam box that the actual audio for is coming from elsewhere than the webcam source. So while I could say NodeCG already has most of the features mentioned in terms of popping images up w/ ease and lightweight or even a video frame but the issue in the end will be it will not turn out correct unless the main stream is literally an intake for the chat.