Question / Help Tachyon/OBS help with Beam broadcasting


New Member
I streamed for a short time on Twitch, but decided to make the switch to Beam. I thought I'd try out the new Tachyon build for OBS, as that is what is recommended for use on Beam. It did not go well, to say the least. If I could get any help whatsoever, I would be very grateful.

You can look at my test vods here:

My big issue is that when I tried to open up OBS instead of Tachyon, everything had changed on it. And when I tried changing back to RTMP instead of beam's FTL, OBS kept crashing whenever I began streaming. If I uninstall Tachyon, will OBS go back to what it was previously? Will I even be able to stream with it on Beam if it does?

it seems all the setting i previously used do nothing. It even got laggier when i turned the graphics in Overwatch down to medium. I just dont understand how any of this works, really, and I would love some input. Especially if you stream on Beam. But if I can't figure it out, maybe i will have to go back to Twitch.

my cpu is i7 4790K
my gpu is r9 290
i have 16 gb of ripjaw ram


Active Member
If you uninstall the tachyon build and switch back to the main branch, settings will be retained but it should work again (including working with beam's RTMP ingests)