switch scene on elapsed frames of media source


New Member
Hi DEVs!

for an art installation i have the need of a scene-switcher (a script or equivalent) that reads the elapsed frames of a media source wich is present in several scenes (and does not restart on scene-switching). I would like to specify a frame number, on wich if reached a scene switch is triggert. It would be awesome if one could "add" different "rows" of "frames elapsed" followed by a "colum" of "scene to switch to".

The advantage over reading out elapsed time (e.g. extended automatic scene switcher) is that even with lagging media source, the scene-switch happens with frame accuracy.

Maybe someone with skills in LUA or python can do such a thing upon the basis of already existing timer/switcher scripts?

Anyone has the same need? Anyone is feeling challanged? Has to run under OSX…

Your help is very much appreciated!