Question / Help Supported streaming services?


New Member
Hey guys,

Heard about this when looking for alternatives to xsplit, gave it a try and i like the clean look so far.
Anyway my question is regarding what streaming services are supported so far, since for the ones that i tried do not work;

No doubt Twitch and Own3d will work since they have their own settings tab next to Custom RTMP.
Will services such as LimeV/Mips/Veemi get supported at some point?

Keep up the great work


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Forum Moderator
you should try them, the issue is getting them entered into the custom entry. many work, some don't, I haven't been able to try them all yet. often an RTMP URL is sort of like this:


and then they give you a stream key on top of that whic is usually garble like "fdhjkhsfkfjHJKFHDJKHF444"

you would type in "" into the server box, "test/35434" into the channel box, and "fdhjkhsfkfjHJKFHDJKHF444" into the stream key box. sometimes some servers won't have a dash in their channel string (like twitch, it just uses "app"). it's a bit weird.


New Member
Jim said:
you should try them, the issue is getting them entered into the custom entry. many work, some don't, I haven't been able to try them all yet. often an RTMP URL is sort of like this:


and then they give you a stream key on top of that whic is usually garble like "fdhjkhsfkfjHJKFHDJKHF444"

you would type in "" into the server box, "test/35434" into the channel box, and "fdhjkhsfkfjHJKFHDJKHF444" into the stream key box. sometimes some servers won't have a dash in their channel string (like twitch, it just uses "app"). it's a bit weird.
I was fiddling around some more with possible settings and i noticed in the services.xconfig file that "rtmp://" is left away, so i did the same for said streaming services and that works.

Now ill go and try some actual streaming with it :)