Suggestions from XSplit...


New Member
There are two possibly three things you can include in Open Broadcaster to make it the best possible streaming option bar NONE. And two of these options are from Xsplit.

First off; The Ability to literately click any part of the screen (using the software capture option) and POOF there it is on the screen. of course the whole window option is a good thing too, but just imagine that process being controlled by a single click or two instead of like 5. i like the simplicity of xsplit and combine that with the diverse options of open broadcast and you'll be unstoppable. I know i've seen a few forum post on this suggestion, and I'm just kind of reiterating how good of an idea it is, but this next suggestion is a new one on this site at least.

Secondly; A Wizard that can look at the specs of your computer and choose the best optimal setting for either quality or speed. It's pretty simple. I have absolutely NO idea how to make it so my steam can be faster or look better, and i like the ability to figure it out, but i also like something knowing the parameters for me and just that something giving me the option to choose between the two or a possible third choice . for the best of both worlds but i won't hold my breath on that one.

Third possibility; Simple- Add more options to your menus for audio, video, and other general program feel. (which is basically a given knowing that the program is still in beta which is why it's a third possibility.)

Zone Dymo

New Member
on the second part:
Its fairly easy to figure out optimal settings.
Livestreaming pretty much purely depends on 2 things: Processor (speed) and your internet connection.
720p needs about 2000kbps of upload speed, that means that your connection needs to be capable of a bit more then that so you know you can comfortably hit that upload speed.
1080p needs about double that (its not a linear thing you see).

Now your processor is the part that will encode the game footage so it can be send over the web.
You need a fast processor to do it in the first place (without taking too much of a performance hit) and an even faster one for higher resolutions.

Your preset also has to do with it, Very High is the default and the lower you go to more the video will be encoded, which means that you can get away with a slower internet connection IF you have a really really fast processor.

So lets say on the Very High preset 720p needs about 2000kbps upload
but on the Medium preset 720p (only) needs 1400kbps.

But again, that does mean you need to have a very capable processor, 2600k and up.


Figuring things out yourself isn't the same as having a program figure it out for you...

That said, even if you know your computer specs and exactly how much bandwidth you have available, how much processing power and how much bandwidth the encoding process will consume depends highly on the content you're encoding (say a FPS verse a RTS). That's really why there isn't a automatic process that figures everything out for you. I suppose with a easy to read preset it still could be done (like a box for content being streamed).