Suggestions for Sources


New Member
I had a few suggestions for window/game/display sources.

It would be very convenient if OBS had a target blocklist you can set. For example if you had a Window/Game capture on. You can block certain programs from being options in the drop down.

I often have things like Chrome, Twitter, Microsoft Photos, Discord showing as options making desired game or window captures from popping up as defaults. If this option to block particular programs from showing on the drop downs. It would reduce clutter as well could make application windows immediate display desired examples such as unique software like game windows.

I have a problem broadcasting Photoshop due to the fact on how it operates. The canvas doesnt show unless you broadcast display capture. And because things can pop on screen, its not favorable.

Thats all the suggestions i have now.


New Member
Another suggestion would be to have some overlay on screen to see Mic + Sound Activity and live status. Sitting in one of the corners. It would reduce the need to keep the OBS window open while in use.