Suggestion: Plz add more resizing methods


New Member
I want to keep my images sharp when resizing down large images.
Plz add more resizing methods to the OBS , such as Lanczos or Bicubic resizing methods.
I need more shrpness.

I'm not good at English.Sorry. :|
Thanks for reading :D


Forum Moderator
What are you talking about specifically? Scaling sources inside the stream canvas, or the stream downsize option?


He's talking about using other resizing algorithms. I also find it useful. For example on such thing, go check out how you resize in GIMP.


Forum Admin
The resizing is done on the GPU, not sure how much flexibility there is for different methods. For streaming though I feel there's very little to be gained from going beyond bilinear.


Forum Moderator
Right now OBS uses standard texture filtering for source scaling. It can look pretty pixelated/aliased at very small sizes (like taking a 1080p webcam image and scaling it to fit inside the command card area in an SC2 overlay). There are a few different resize shaders (bilinear, bicubic with adjustable parameters) in the Media Player Classic source that you can have a look at.


New Member
Can add other resizing algorithm option?(Bicubic if possible)
want to stream in small resolution, it is better quality.

thx for reading. :)


New Member
It would be nice if you could implement nearest neighbor for a resizing method. This lets you preserve pixely goodness on sources which were upscaled using nearest neighbor to begin with.