Suggestion: Journal with bookmarks.


New Member
First of all not journal of enconding stuff and other program logs.
I mean having journal that have ability by pressing <some button> add to journal bookmark with timestamps, that will give us ability for easy bookmarking important moments on stream and easy method to highlights moments from vod (e.g., on twitch).
For example:
14:00:00 (0:00:00): Stream Start, 24 August 2013. (Scene: scene1)
14:01:00 (0:01:00): Scene switched from scene1 to scene2.
14:54:00 (0:54:00): Quick bookmark
15:35:00 (1:35:00): Quick bookmark
17:59:00 (3:59:00): Quick bookmark
19:00:00 (5:00:00): Quick bookmark
19:10:00 (5:10:00): Quick bookmark
19:15:00 (5:15:00): Scene switched from scene2 to scene1.
19:18:00 (5:18:00): Stream Stop, 24 August 2013.


Just some thoughts:

This could go in the log, scene switches are already in there. But that's not a very user friendly format.

It's an interesting idea. I don't know how the refarctor will work, but if the hotkey system gets an overhaul, it shouldn't be that hard to add a bookmark hotkey option. Either in the log, or in some new journal feature.

All in all, this shouldn't be too hard, but is probably something for later, when the new structure is in place.


New Member
Well im not big coder, so i made like so:
strOutString = FormattedString(TEXT("%u:%02u:%02u"), streamTimeHours, streamTimeMinutes, streamTimeSeconds);
SetWindowText(hwndMain, GetApplicationName() + FormattedString(TEXT(" (%u:%02u:%02u)"), streamTimeHours, streamTimeMinutes, streamTimeSeconds));
in void OBS::DrawStatusBar(DRAWITEMSTRUCT &dis)

AutoHotKey script:
IfWinExist ahk_class OBSWindowClass
	WinGetTitle, obs_title
	RegExMatch(obs_title, "\((.*)\)", obs_time)
	StringReplace, obs_time, obs_time, (, ,All
	StringReplace, obs_time, obs_time, ), ,All
	FormatTime, date, , dd MMMM yyyy H:mm:ss
	FileAppend,%date% - Quick Bookmark - %obs_time%`n, %A_ScriptDir%\QuickBookmarks.txt
11 september 2013 8:15:31 - Quick Bookmark - 0:00:23
11 september 2013 8:15:35 - Quick Bookmark - 0:00:26
11 september 2013 8:15:37 - Quick Bookmark - 0:00:28
11 september 2013 8:15:38 - Quick Bookmark - 0:00:30

p.s. It will be superawesome if in official release vod time is displayed in window title :D