Suggestion: Automatic window capture for multi window programs?


New Member

(If this already exists I'm sorry, I just have not been able to find a way to do it, and no one in chat knew either.)

I was messing around trying to capture me using Adobe Illustrator without using monitor capture so I don't record things like steam notifications, chrome, and what not, but I ran into an issue. AI pops out tools and panels as separate windows, which OBS does not capture without setting up a second window capture to record it. All of the extra panels (To my knowledge.) Are named the same thing when popped out. I set up a second window capture to record the panels, but I realized something. The recording window doesn't move to where the panels are, so I end up having two mouse pointers on the screen when I use the panels.

Would there be anyway to add a recording option to capture all of the windows popped out by a single program without having to monitor capture? This would be helpful for other things as well such as all of the other Adobe products, and a few games. Again, if there is already a way to do this I'm sorry.