[Suggestion] Auto Decide Which Server is the Best to Stream


New Member
Have a button to decide which server is the best to stream, based on latency and jitter. Like ping all servers for 10 seconds and automatically decide which one is the best for the current user. If there's a difference of only 5~10ms between two or more servers, choose one of them randomly.

I think this would help a lot of people that don't have very good connection, and/or live in a region where all servers ping more than 180ms (like me with Twitch servers).



Community Helper
Latency and jitter is only kind of a rule of thumb, and isn't guaranteed to give you the "best" server. It would be better to have an actual bandwidth test for each server to see what the real throughput would be.


New Member
dodgepong said:
It would be better to have an actual bandwidth test for each server to see what the real throughput would be

Is that possible with Ustream - i don’t think so because we put FMS URL which i think cant be changed or i am missing something – I suppose that FMS Url is link to server which mean that is static and not dynamic ... If i am wrong, than this will be very nice add-on for streaming!