Question / Help Sudden Stream Lag


New Member
I just started using BOS to stream and overall I think the software is excellent :D But I have been encountering problems. Every 5 minutes or so I encounter this 5 seconds lag and makes the stream hold back longer than the normal 5 seconds. I have tried changing my setting below the recommended settings BOS gave me but nothing worked :P Can anyone help me?

My specs
- G.SKILL Ripjaws 8GB 2X4GB DDR3-1600
- Intel Core i5 3570K Unlocked Quad Core CPU 3.4GHZ
- Gigabyte GA-Z77X-UD5H Motherboard
- GTX 650 Ti 928MHZ 2GB 5.4GHZ

Here is my log :
(It was to long :P)


Forum Admin
Seems like your connection to Twitch is stalling, you can try a different server perhaps and see if it helps.


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
You're trying to stream with 2500 to 3000 bitrate when you don't have that much to stream with. As indicated by your speedtest, you have 2.3mb/s (2300kb/s) max. And that speed test is only "up to", it means you will probably only have a stable connection at around 1700-1800 bitrate at the very most I believe. Probably less though, usually 75% of the speedtest is the most stable rate. Subtract about 100 to make room for the audio as well. So I'd say 1600/1600 for the video bitrate/buffersize, you might be able to squeeze more for the video if you use a lower audio bitrate as well, like 96 or less.

You'll have to downscale probably 2.0, 720p 60fps may be too high for that connection.


New Member
Thanks Jim, I Changed all my setting and it looks great. I didn't encounter any random lags so hope it works. Thanks for the help!