Question / Help Sudden choppy audio on stream output

Did Anyone change the sample rate to match and still has an issue? I am still having this distortion issue in Streamlabs OBS actually. My Elgato sound from my gaming PC is distorting, as well as Music which is taken directly from the streaming PC, My microphone seems to be fine though. Any thoughts or final solutions after almost a year of this thread?

I did and it never solved my issue. I have both set to 48 Hz
I was trying to figure out this problem and it turned out that, for us it was some sort of conflict with the OBS Camera app sending video and audio over NDI. When I switched to NDI HX Camera and turned off the audio the choppy audio on the stream cleared right up.
Hope this helps.
I was using NDI for a while with my iPhone and iPad while webcams were on backorder. Now, I am not. I'm assuming I can just delete NDI without any ill affect upon OBS. IS that correct. At least one less potential issue to resolve the stuttering


New Member
Hi there! I’m new to streaming and I’ve been randomly having this issue after about an hour of streaming on the dot. I’m not very tech savvy...has anyone found anything that works? I’m currently using streamlabs


New Member
I was experiencing this issue what I did to fix it was change everything to the same value (48) and then disabled every audio device that I wasn't using. This cleared it up, in my case I think it was because of some new device added that I wasn't using.

Steve Grant

New Member
Hi all, I have been following this thread for months now. I too, am experiencing this issue. I'm running the Elgato Camlink 4K to bring feed from my Canon 5D Mk iv into OBS. I capture audio from my mixer via iRig Stream. I have approx 7 scenes setup with different camera angles. I have 3 x cameras in total, the other 2 are both Logitech C920.

It first started happening a few months back. You have no way of knowing until someone in the chat tells you that your stream's audio is gone choppy. What's annoying is that the only way to troubleshoot is to do it while you're live. Simply restarting obs and the stream is only a temporary fix.

Another thing that's annoying is that I cannot replicate the fault. ie, I cannot purposely make this fault happen in order to demonstrate it to a colleague or try to troubleshoot off air. Its totally random, or so it seems.

This is killing my streams. I employ a very expensive DLSR and Elgato setup and should not be experiencing these issues. None of us should.

I think this is linked to cpu usage somehow. We really need to get some advice from elgato on this. It's not good enough.

I will continue to monitor this thread in the hope that someone else may be able to contribute something that resembles a solution in the near future.

Here's hoping.


New Member
Having the same problem. I've been streaming DJ sessions for a couple of months now and ever since I started using Elgato Camlink with my Sony a5100 two streams ago the stuttering appeared. I'm using a Roland DUO-CAPTURE EX sound card and tried to plug it in and out during the stream which didn't solve anything, only a restart could solve the issue so my guess is that something's up with Elgato Camlink. I'm so confused how it can affect the sound like this though.
I only have one scene, one media source (moving logo), one sound input and one video capture with Camlink, nothing else.

I'm streaming again next week and will try all the tips in this thread, has anyone reached out to Elgato with this issue?

Adam Richmond

New Member
Same issues as you all. helicopter-like choppy audio. I've had this problem for 3 weeks now. I have a podcast that I was doing on FB Live and I've migrated to YouTube and Twitch.

My setup:
Audio running through external Behringer mixer into my Line In > Voicemeeter Banana > Voice Mod > OBS > > Youtube/Twitch.
All worked fine.

What Changed to create the problem:
For that premier of my show on the different network... I was going to up my game with new equipment:
Elgato Camlink 4k: Canon m50 connected
Elgato Stream Deck XL
and use
Since adding these, I got super choppy audio.. terrible and hard to follow. like talking to someone through a fan.
3 shows ruined because of this.

Solution for me:
I found this video tonight after hunting though this thread and spent the next 4 hours tinkering with settings and constantly restarting.
Followed these instructions -
My issue was that my audio wasn't set to 48khz across the board. I found this by opening my speaker settings in windows and my recording device was set to 48. So I proceeded to check every program my audio runs through and verified they were 48. OBS was the only one set to 44.1khz in the Settings > Audio > "Sample Rate" field. Changed that from 44.1 to 48 and vuala! I've done 6 different test streams working on different settings to fix my rendering/encoding lag performance and nothing I've done since has impacted the audio when testing the different scenes and widgets from StreamLabs.

Fixed it for me! Good luck!

Adam Richmond

New Member
Solution for me:
I found this video tonight after hunting though this thread and spent the next 4 hours tinkering with settings and constantly restarting.
Followed these instructions -
My issue was that my audio wasn't set to 48khz across the board. I found this by opening my speaker settings in windows and my recording device was set to 48. So I proceeded to check every program my audio runs through and verified they were 48. OBS was the only one set to 44.1khz in the Settings > Audio > "Sample Rate" field. Changed that from 44.1 to 48 and vuala! I've done 6 different test streams working on different settings to fix my rendering/encoding lag performance and nothing I've done since has impacted the audio when testing the different scenes and widgets from StreamLabs.

I forgot to mention. In my computer's settings, Control Panel > Sound > "Recording" tab > Selected my microphone ("Line In" on my setup) > Properties > Levels was set to 100. As stated in the above cited video, I reduced to 90 > Apply > Ok. Closed out all this and haven't had a single chopping issue anywhere after making alterations to any other settings and constantly switching between scenes, most include media.

Max Xevious

New Member
I have been having the same issue, completely random and I have to either constantly monitor the stream on another device or wait till a viewer tells me that my audio has gone to crap.

Very annoying as I need to restart OBS to fix it and I lose viewers. Not sure if others have mentioned this if its exclusive to single or dual box streaming, not sure it matters, but its happening for me and I have a dual box setup.

I did run across this video on Youtube with another suggestion on how to fix it, I will give this a shot and see what happens.



New Member
Have been using Streamlabs OBS since a few weeks and experiencing this audio issue since the beginning, both recording locally and on stream. Sometimes it's fine for a while, but it breaks down totally randomly later on. Tried most solutions in this (and other) topics:
  • Setting the level of the mic to level 90 in Windows
  • Setting all audio devices to 44.1khz
  • Hooking up (USB) mic (Blue Yeti) to USB 3
  • Disabling audio devices that aren't used (
As others said it is resolved by restarting OBS, but I've also found this:
  • When I hide my camera in the OBS scene, the choppy audio is gone immediately. When I unhide it the choppy audio is back. I have a Panasonic Lumix DMC-G7 hooked up to my computer using the Elgato Camlink
  • When I open my camera settings, tick the 'Set capture audio device' box and untick it, the issue is resolved without having to restart OBS
Getting kinda desperate. Is there anything else I can try? Thanks in advance.


New Member
Have been using Streamlabs OBS since a few weeks and experiencing this audio issue since the beginning, both recording locally and on stream. Sometimes it's fine for a while, but it breaks down totally randomly later on. Tried most solutions in this (and other) topics:
  • Setting the level of the mic to level 90 in Windows
  • Setting all audio devices to 44.1khz
  • Hooking up (USB) mic (Blue Yeti) to USB 3
  • Disabling audio devices that aren't used (
As others said it is resolved by restarting OBS, but I've also found this:
  • When I hide my camera in the OBS scene, the choppy audio is gone immediately. When I unhide it the choppy audio is back. I have a Panasonic Lumix DMC-G7 hooked up to my computer using the Elgato Camlink
  • When I open my camera settings, tick the 'Set capture audio device' box and untick it, the issue is resolved without having to restart OBS
Getting kinda desperate. Is there anything else I can try? Thanks in advance.

Just an update relating to my issue:
I noticed in my Sound settings (in Windows, not OBS) that 'Digital Audio Interface (Cam Link 4K)' was enabled and was picking up sound, presumably from my DSLR camera mic. I've disabled this and I now no longer have the issue with choppy audio. The strange thing is that I had already disabled my DSLR camera (Cam Link) as an audio input in OBS, but apparently because it was still active in Windows itself this was causing a conflict resulting in the choppy audio in OBS. It's worth a shot for anyone experiencing the same issue with a similar setup. I've attached a screenshot of what it looks like. All you have to do is go to 'Configuration screen' -> 'Hardware & sounds' -> 'Manage audio devices' and check the 'Record' tab to make sure no audio devices other than the microphone you want to use are enabled (potentially causing this issue).


  • obs.png
    58 KB · Views: 587


New Member
I have tried all of the fixes listed in this thread over the last few weeks. I am live-streaming church services using a Sony HDR-CX675 Handycam feeding an Elgato HD60S via hdmi, then to my laptop via USB, to OBS then Facebook Live. Everything was working well (just minor glitches) until Windows 10 installed KB4592449 update. Video in OBS was freezing every few seconds. I had to roll back to a restore point as a temp fix. I watched the youtube video posted earlier about changing the Elgato buffering from disable to auto. Mine was on auto so I disabled it and the video problem was fixed.

The next church service broadcast had audio that would drop a second every few seconds. I tried numerous changes for OBS and Windows from the internet, but none worked. I decided to start at the beginning and look at camera settings. When I changed the HDMI Resolution from Auto to 1080p the audio was clear. I guess something was going on with the HDMI feed to the Elgato. I hope another Windows update doesn't cause more problems.


New Member
I'm having the same issue of audio breakup after playing a wav file from media source, after 9 minutes, the audio could start sizzling. Very frustrating for live broadcasts. Only thing that has worked is closing program and opening it.


New Member
I am having the same issue of the sudden choppy audio during our church livestreams. It happens about halfway into our livestream. We've had this audio issue happen before, then it would be a few weeks and it would happen again. Last week it happened, and we all the bitrate settings to 48, started the stream this week and halfway thru the audio went choppy again. We are using a canon vixia hf r800 camera connected via hdmi to a usb capture card connected to the computer. We're getting our audio from a yamaha mgp32x mixer thru a presonus audio box connected to the computer. Have double-checked the bitrate settings to make sure everything still matches at 48. Not sure what else to do, so any help, advice, or ideas would be greatly appreciated.


I'm getting this too, on a mac (most recent OBS, catalina on the mac). Seems to happen to ALL audio output to stream (which comes in from a USB interface) possibly triggered when another audio event happens, in my case a streamlabs alert which comes in from browser window. So may be due to resources battling or conflicting 48/44.1 stuff - will investigate further...


New Member
Discovered this issue on stream and recorded video. Had differing sample rates so thought that was the culprit. Changing rate is OBS to 44.1k to match USB mic fixed it. However, setting rate back to 48k in OBS did not restore the audio stutter. After several test, concluded the issue was leaving OBS up for a long time prior to streaming/recording. I would typically get everything ready the evening before so it would be ready to go in the morning. Each time I got stutter, I had left OBS up for a long time in this way. Correcting the sample rate required an OBS restart, so it seemed to be the fix. I think the real fix was restarting OBS. Solution I think is to restart prior to streaming / recording.


New Member
I started having the exact same problem as soon as I upgraded to a DSLR camera and a 4K Cam Link. About an hour plus into recording or streams the sound glitches out like that, just PC audio, my vocals are fine.

A quick fix to stop it happening temporarily without closing OBS is going to the camera source properties in OBS and change the Audio Device at the bottom. It doesn't matter what you change it to, it stops the sound glitching out for a bit. This is useful when streaming since closing OBS means you have to end/restart the stream.

Fixes I tried today that seem to work but only tested for 4 hours are:
1. Changing all my audio devices and software to the same bitrate
2. Disabling the Digital Audio Interface Cam Link recording device in Control Panel > Sound > Recording

So far it hasn't happened again but will keep an eye over the next few days.