Success Story


New Member
SO this is a good post read on :)

In September I built a new rig, specifically to play WoW on ultra while streaming 1080P. I am a Hardcore Raider and MMO enthusiast.

Da Rig


Built it myself, was super excited.

I purchased a premium version of Xsplit and off I go. Well there was issues. @3k I was dropping frames, I had to drive my CPU so hard to make up the quality that in 25 man raids on Ultra I was hitting 15-20 FPS. I posted on the Xsplit forums, talked to multiple techs, ran PC performance programs etc etc. Xsplit said it was my internet. I had my ISPU out to my house swapped 6 routers, had line maintenance etc etc. It was ignorant how much stuff I did and in the end 3 months later the verdict was " Well your just going to have to run 720P" I get it 720P looks good, but I have 4 27inch Benq LED's that are 1080p and my videos on fullscreen look terrible. I'm an elitest when it come's to audio/video as I've been in the industry for almost 20 years. I was pissed, $4000 later and I couldn't do what I wanted, based on my net!! I started looking for a new apartment where I could get better internet. Better then 90 down/10up? which is my current ISP.

So I am in Ducksauces stream and an OBS tech/dev is in his channel talking to him about OBS. (Ducks stream has been crap but it's totally the NYC station not his fault) Couple weeks go by and I decide hey I'm gonna check out OBS.

The Verdict

Fantastic software, like where is the donate button WTS Xsplit premium? I would pay double what they charge to you guys for this software it is absolutely fantastic and on top of that it's still improving!

Xsplit- Quality: 8 VB/VBV: 3000 Preset: Fast Average Encoded: 300,000 Dropped: Close to 10% Stream looks Ok at best ingame performance is terrible running 18-30 frames WoW Ultra 25 man raiding

OBS- Quality: 10 VB/VBV: 5000 Preset: VeryFast Average Encoded: 300,000 Dropped: 0 maybe 10-20 sometimes but not often. Stream looks AMZING , best ingame performance is awesome running 30-45 frames WoW Ultra 25 man raiding

Sample from my testing account OBS With settings listed above 30-40% CPU Usage Xsplit with settings listed above 70% CPU Usage

To The Developers
In the end I wanted to post because everyone has something to say when things are not going right, very often when your doing a good job do you hear about. I applaud you, amazing job. I been smiling solid for 2 weeks. If you have a logo with your web address that I can overlay on my stream I have a spot on the top left open for you. I would love to advertise that I am using your software and ask nothing in return. Also what else can I do, I would be more then happy to do some testing and logging for you. So let me know, inbox me here if theres anything I can do and please forward me a logo with web addy I can overlay on my stream.

I have no idea why I can't get decent bitrate with xsplit. But I will tell you this, its not my machine, its not my ISP and OBS I can stream @6500 without dropping frames if I want. My plan is to grow my stream and get partnered to be able to offer multiple resolutions to viewers. I could give 2 shits about ad revenue and sub buttons, I stream so my recruits can watch progression fights when there on the bench and save us sometime so they don't have to learn shit from scratch I haven't put a lot of effort in cause frankly I wasn't happy with the quality. That all changed with OBS.

Only feedback I have atm is the usual, would be nice to have multiple audio inputs on OBS as I do use a USB headset for mumble. But hey after trying to get it to work for 3 months look here , there's a guide on the OBS forums for using VAC. Problem solved, works great.

I am using .466, I tried .467 but after 3-4 hours my stream would lockup. Not the OBS viewer just the stream. I think it does not like my AVer Media HD Gamer. Switched back to .466, It's never locked up again.

Thank you for all your hard work, Cheers.



Forum Admin
Great to hear that it's working well for you!

As a side note, for what it's worth, it might not be fair comparing 3k bit rate + fast preset against 5k bit rate + veryfast preset...the slower presets tax your CPU significantly more, and even with the fast preset, I'm sure 5k bit rate looks better than 3k. But I'm glad you've found a good way to stream!


New Member
dodgepong said:
Great to hear that it's working well for you!

As a side note, for what it's worth, it might not be fair comparing 3k bit rate + fast preset against 5k bit rate + veryfast preset...the slower presets tax your CPU significantly more, and even with the fast preset, I'm sure 5k bit rate looks better than 3k. But I'm glad you've found a good way to stream!

Agree 100%. My point was that with Xsplit it won't let me go over 3k and OBS does. I mean @3500 with Xsplit it just drops frames and disconnects....

On a side note: I just tested 8k/8k no dropped frames in 25 man LFR lol. But my understanding is @ that high of a bitrate there will be a large portion of people that won't even be able to watch the stream so 5k is good for me!


Forum Admin
HopeTv said:
dodgepong said:
Great to hear that it's working well for you!

As a side note, for what it's worth, it might not be fair comparing 3k bit rate + fast preset against 5k bit rate + veryfast preset...the slower presets tax your CPU significantly more, and even with the fast preset, I'm sure 5k bit rate looks better than 3k. But I'm glad you've found a good way to stream!

Agree 100%. My point was that with Xsplit it won't let me go over 3k and OBS does. I mean @3500 with Xsplit it just drops frames and disconnects....

On a side note: I just tested 8k/8k no dropped frames in 25 man LFR lol. But my understanding is @ that high of a bitrate there will be a large portion of people that won't even be able to watch the stream so 5k is good for me!
Gotcha. That's kind of weird that Xsplit doesn't let you go that high, but hey! That's alright.

You should know, though, that Twitch considers bit rates that high to be an abuse of their system...I wouldn't go over 4k to be honest. 5k is definitely pushing it, and 8k is absurd. So, there's that, in addition to what you mentioned about people not being able to watch bit rates that high.