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New Member
I think that this could get OBS a lot of exposure, and it'd provide an easy way to keep an up-to-date version on your flash drive.

I realize you can already use this as a portable app, but having it listed in the PortableApps index would let more people know about it. Perhaps this isn't in the vision of OBS, or updates are too frequent to justify it right now, but I thought I'd suggest it at least. :)


I can't speak for Jim but I'm down for more exposure. I'm sure that will have to wait until at least the rewrite is rolled out, though.

The scary thing is the amount of super-newbies that will stumble on this software and want to try it. Nothing against them at all (we all had to learn somewhere), but this stuff can be pretty confusing for the first-timer. I think it would be really cool if we had a wiki to catalog the guides/tutorials and settings etc.

As always, people will still spam the forums with questions that are answered in the wiki, but I'm sure it would help a ton moving forward.


Yeah, the wiki idea and some sort of "getting started" guide would be awesome.

I'm super n00b to streaming, too, but just reading the forums daily has helped out a lot. :)