Bug Report Sub-Region Position Forgotten


New Member

I am currently experimenting with OBS as a mechanism for recording screen capture (as opposed to streaming).
I have a Window Capture source that is configured to record the inner window, and as my settings for my base resolution are lower than my monitors actual resolution (1024*768 vs 1920*1080), I was using the sub-region position option on my window capture source.

Pretty much every time I open OBS, my source just captures a plain black screen and I am forced to reconfigure the source properties before I can record. When doing so, my region position, and the sub-region tick box and size settings are lost.

What's quite interesting is that these lost settings don't revert the application back to the default of recording the window from the top left corner, and instead record a black screen. This suggests that at least part of the configuration is remembered, even if no signs are actually show on the properties screen.

I've noticed via google that there are a number of old reports of this problem going back for a while. Early reports were thought to be fixed, and then later reports ended up with an admission that nobody is really sure what the problem is.

I've got an extra bit on information that might help resolve the issue (or at least the version of the issue I experience).

Basically when this happens it is always with my browser source. I can replicate the loss of property settings, by opening or closing a new tab in Firefox or Internet Explorer. While the active recording is going on OBS is able to deal with the new tab, however once the recording is finsihed, if I check the properties the settings are gone and the next recording will be the black screen.

The same is true for tab changes outside of OBS sessions. As long as the same browser istance is open with the same set of tabs, OBS is able to pick up the window contents with settings intanct when the application is re-opened. But if the browser is closed or I add or remove tabs between OBS sessions, the properties information for the source is lost.


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
Hm, that's strange, I can't seem to replicate the issue. Might have to ask for others to help verify. Could you tell me the exact steps to replicate? (Also possible somebody fixed it without me realizing)


New Member
I can confirm that this also happens to me. I am using Chrome to select a sub-region of a tab opened to Pandora. The sub-region only remains for that game session. When I come back the next day I have to set the target and the sub-region again however the location that sub-region displays at in the broadcast remains saved. I also tested what the OP posted and it appears to be linked to the state of the browser the sub-region was created with.

To Recreate:

1) Open a browser and created multiple tabs that are all pointing to websites
2) Open OBS and create a source that points to one of the tabs
3) Create a sub-region on that tab
4) Enter Preview mode
5) Move the sub-region somewhere else
6) Close and re-open OBS

At this point your sub-region should appear as expected. You can test by closing and re-opening OBS some more.

7) Close or go to another website in a tab not used for the sub-region in the browser
8) Open OBS (close if it is not already first)

Now, OBS will have forgotten your region. If you have OBS open when changing another tab it doesn't forget the region but once you close OBS it will be gone.


New Member
I'm having a similar issue.
I've been using OBS for over a year now and recently decided to use window capture while steaming.
As I was testing it I noticed that once I turned off the stream the settings in sub-region reset.
EDIT: I jut found out it's actually resetting when tabbed into a different window too.

There is one more thing, but I probably just don't understand how it works yet.
When I fix the settings to my liking for window capture and tab back into my game, the sub region I just set
no longer shows the window I chose for it on my stream or preview, instead it shows the game itself in the window.
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New Member
I am having the same type of issue.
Using Elpis (a third party pandora program).
After I close it or OBS the next time it is opened the window and sub region is reset in the program options.
I looked in the scenes.xconfig and it shows the correct settings just not in the actual program options.

OBS v0.622b


New Member

I just want to bump this thread again. I'm having the same issue as before, and am unable to find a solution. To reiterate:

1) I create a source from a sub-region of a tab in Chrome
2) I stop preview or stop recording or stop streaming
3) Settings are lost, and the source will only show a blank black box when preview/stream/recording is started up again.

If I don't stop the preview, I can change tabs and do whatever I please in Chrome. But the issue arises when I stop/restart some type of broadcast.

Thanks for any help. OBS v0.633b, but it was present in versions before this as well.


New Member
I have has this when I tried to do a sub-region of MusicBee. My guess is that the screen name changes and OBS can't find it. The same thing happens with foobar2000 if I am displaying part of the spectrum window and forget to open it first. But as long as it is open it keeps it.