Stuck with building OBS on Windows


New Member

I'm not experienced with C environments at all so this is the first time that I have put effort into building something. I want to build OBS from some PRs that were rejected that allow me to record my cursor as I see it (I have an enlarged animated cursor, so I need to merge patch-6 and patch-3 from SuslikV/obs-studio).

As much as I follow the build instructions (including using git submodule update --init), download the deps, install qt (aqt install-qt windows desktop 5.15.2 msvc2019_64) and set up my environment, CMAKE can't find QT. What I have noticed is that my QT installation doesn't have any cmake files, so where can I get those?

What else does it look like I'm missing? Maybe I haven't set an environment variable?
Also, I haven't seen any forum posts about Windows (only MacOS) that actually try to describe the issue and what they've tried, but there also isn't any that try to solve the issue without just refering to the installation instructions. Disclaimer: I consider this topic unanswered so far and I'm not reinventing the wheel.