: OBS streaming provider

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Rey Columna

New Member
Hi guys,

It's fantastic that OBS is open source and so well maintained, congratulations on that! You guys have an awesome tool!

My name is Rey Columna and I am the CTO for, a fairly new live broadcasting platform. Though we are still in beta, for the past several weeks we have had significant growth and foresee that this may continue for the long run. As we seek ways to expand awareness in regards to our platform and brand, we thought it would be awesome if we could get listed as an OBS streaming provider and wanted to know what would be the best steps to take in order to achieve that. In exchange, we would promote OBS on our site and in our newsletters and other communication channels as one of the featured live encoders to use with our platform.

Hopefully we are able to accommodate each and this could be the start of a great partnership.



Forum Admin
Generally we don't add stream services on request due to the large number of small startup streaming sites. Once there's a significant user base making use of a streaming service, we'll get feedback from users for such requests.

Rey Columna

New Member
Thanks for the prompt response R1ch! The reason we're asking is actually precisely because we've had so many requests from our users to get OBS support. We'd really appreciate it if you'd reconsider doing this sooner. We're big supporters of yours and would love to forge a partnership.


New Member
As broadcaster on and OBS user, this would be much appreciated! I love the open source factor with OBS! I can tell you from personal experience in the streaming community, that a great bulk of streamers have moved to recently and the number of streams are growing daily. Although there were other streaming websites available, most broadcasters have chosen them as their home due to Kyle's vision for the website, and the clean but feature filled layout. Streamup is the future. A partnership would benefit both parties here.
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Community Helper
As long as you provide RTMP servers and stream keys to streamers, they should already be able to use OBS with your site, so OBS should already be "supported". If you require something more, then it will be a lot more difficult to add support for you site anyway.

One of the nice things about the OBS Multiplatform rewrite is that you will be able to write your own plugin that users can install to OBS to add support for your site without requiring us to add it ourselves.


heros in an halfshel
I'm sorry, but I wouldn't consider adding this site to the list of preset services, the site looks like a barely edited template from somewhere, the category list is horrible, most of the channels that are live (and not just listed as live) seem to be illegally broadcasting copyrighted material, which is not something anyone would want to be associated with.

Terrible layout, illegal content and some random user talking about a partnership? Users don't talk about partnerships in that fashion unless they have been convinced to do so by some third party...

Besides, all that would happen is you getting added to the list of services, a little piece of text in a dropdown menu with a list of servers... Do you even have more than one ingest server? There would be no "partnership" beyond that.

Kyle Michelson

New Member
Dodgepong, you're correct that we do already provide RTMP servers and stream keys to our streamers, however we're looking to provide easier access for our users. Being that support is offered to other companies that are comparable in size to us, we think it's reasonable to ask that support be extended to us too. Especially since we already feature your name on our site as one of our recommended providers. If you're unwilling to do this with the OBS team, would you be willing to let us commit it instead? We've had a 400% jump in traffic this week and facilitating OBS has been our top request.

Paibox, I can't take your post seriously. There's no reason to attack us unprovoked unless you have ulterior motives.

Kyle Michelson
Founder, Streamup


heros in an halfshel
Really? I'm not attacking you, I'm telling you what I see wrong with your service. Like I said, the layout is terrible, so I probably didn't check all the channels that are listed as live, but I did check them again just now, to see if you had done something about it.

There's a channel playing South Park, one playing movies, a few that seem to be streaming either other TV channels, or episodes of shows from one. There are also several channels listed with the red "Live" icon on their thumbnail, but when you click them they just load for a bit and then display a big "Start Broadcasting" icon and link in the middle of the player.

Edit: Also there is no "support" being offered. If you took the time to look at "services.xconfig" that comes with OBS, it's merely a list of servers to make it somewhat easily selectable from a list, it's not rocket science.


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
The reason why we're being cautious right now: first is because some less-than-legitimate sites have been requesting a service listing. Second, when we add a service it's been misinterpreted as an endorsement or advertisement.

If possible please bear with us on this, I know it's a bit burdensome but right now we're trying to be a bit more cautious because of those facts. If possible, ideally, instead of asking us directly yourselves, I would ask that you tell your users to ask us (like kingjacob), especially if you have more than one or two servers. I know it's somewhat frustrating but again it's just a precaution.

Also, what dodgepong said is true as well, though the rewrite is still some time away for windows.


New Member
I am a moderator, and broadcaster on Streamup, and understand the hesitation on your behalves to list the site. I would just like to point out that OBS has been an awesome factor to the site, and makes for better traffic, and user experience. As Kyle said we do list you as a recommended provider, and promote your name. I think its fair that given the user base increase, that hopefully in the near future, we can be given the opportunity of have you list Streamup. Its understandable you don't want to rush into anything, and that's respected. I'm just here validating that the site is fun, functional, and growing rapidly!

-Jessica Houle


New Member
Most of your site is listing illegal copyrighted content being streamed.
There is several number of channels streaming copyrighted content which neither Streamup or the users have the right to stream.

It's also amost impossible to communicate about legal issues the website might be or IS currently having. There is several country specific laws that apply to the website that aren't respected even if the website is from US, these laws also apply to it.

The website already allow OBS. What you ask it to implant a very small crowed website in order to allow more illegal streaming of copyrighted content more easily.

The website is far from the popularity of Twitch and simiar sites, severals users of the userbase are mostly generated by a few people to make the site "more appealing" by virtually boosting the userbase.

And now, the site is getting more and more infested with overseas streamers that mostly only use the site for streaming content they have no rights about, and barely use the community side of the site, community side is lacking badly anyway, the team was almost impossible to communicate for a long time.

Despite your bunch of visitors that apparently come from Taiwan mostly accordinly to alexa statistics, the website have dropped of an average of 41,691 in alexa rank IN THE LAST 3 MONTHS.

The website surely have to work more on the community instead of banning directly each time someone make a suggestion about either your website or your Google Chrome App.

The website also promised a streamup app for a long time for now, Android and iOS and still haven't be delivered. An APP, not a mobile internet browser compatible site. So i'm curious, why would you ask to OBS to add the site to the list when a feature promised by Streamup cannot be done in the first place?

There is several streaming website that allow OBS and yet never asked to be in this list, yet they deserve it more as, compared to streamup, are absent of any copyrighted stream, having better communication and all. Specially when most of the current channel of Streamup consist of various illegal copyrighted content that should technically be taken down but yet, streamup allow the streaming of this illegal content for a LONG time.

I have a huge feeling that this request is mostly motivated by the lack of users and an attempt for getting cheap advertising by having the website listed on a such big software.

Adding the site to the dropdown list won't make anything different either, the default setting already allow a correct streaming and even with the site listed YOU STILL HAVE TO ENTER THE LINK AND SERVER KEY, so it wouldn't add anything to it.


New Member
@ any comments about illegal copyrighted material being cast/streamed using OBS is both ignorant and pointless given the fact that OBS is used all over the internet to stream so called illegal copyrighted material. TWITCH was mentioned in 1 post regarding viewer numbers justifying inclusion of it in OBS list but no mention of its now DEFUNCT sister site JTV which incidentally was full of illegal copyrighted material a lot of which streamed using yes you guessed it OBS lmfao.

If those shouting their mouths off about it being used to cast/stream illegal copyrighted material are so bothered about this then maybe they should stop using such sites :p


The Helping Squad
You got your answer weeks ago. Create your own service file and give it your users, done. -closed
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