Question / Help streaming xbox


New Member
Is there a specific game capture i should grab if I'm trying to stream xbox in 720 with OBS using cam/audio capture as well? I've seen most of the devices have an audio syncing issue, so I'd rather get the right one that works with OBS, rather than having to mess around with other alternatives.


The Helping Squad
The syncing issue you mentioned actually happens in many different programs and is not necessarily OBS specific. But now to your question:
You might wanna check my Spreadsheet on the mostly used Capture devices. ... GNXRkpDLWc
Overall the Avermedia devices (PCI-Express ones) are known to work quite well. So for example the
Live Gamer HD (up to 1080p60 input with 1080p30 or 720p60 output)
Game Broadcaster HD (up to 1080p60 input with 1080p30 output or 720p30)
or AverTV CaptureHD (up to 1080i30 input with 1080i output or 720i30 (720p30 output on same input)
They will soon get an USB device aswell that looks to be good, after release well know more.
Black Magic is the next Big and renown company for capture devices of all kind.
They offer an PCI-E and USB version of the Intensity series. But they are known to be a bit tricky when it comes to input and output resolutions. Maximum input is 1080i30 as far as i know.
Then of course there are some very expensive capture cards, above 500$, but I guess you look for a consumer device :)
I can personally not recommend using one of the several USB boxes that came out in the last years. They are mainly ment for recording, not for streaming.

Greetings Jack!


New Member
would you suggest the game broadcaster from aver media or is it worth the extra for the livegsmer? Is encoding the only difference and lack of splitter needed for livegamer?


The Helping Squad
well as mentioned, the Live gamer also allows to input 1080p60 and downscale it to 720p60. Apart from that you are right, the passthrough and the encoder are the only differences.


New Member
How does the encoding aspect work? If in using it to stream xbox then it wouldn't be able to code because it's capturing but if I'm gaming on the pc then it could encode to reduce cpu strain?


The Helping Squad
The encoding can only be used with the Recentral software, in this case you can at the same time use the card for capture. You wont strain your cpu but you will need high bitrates to reach a good quality and have only few options. Some software might allow you to use the encoder only OR the capture part only, and most software, like OBS, will only allow you to use the Capture part.
Sorry for my late response!