Question / Help Streaming with low upload speed.


It depends from what do you want to stream. If your CPU will be 'bored' while streaming with the settings Krazy suggested, maybe you could use a slower preset to make your quality better. Make sure you're using the lowest ping Twitch server and not he loadbalancing servers. You can use JTVPing to check that.


Back when I was streaming on a 384 upstream, I had my resolution down to 360p@25fps, may have even been lower. Quality was set to 6, bit rate to 210, audio was set to 12kbps 11khz/16bit/mono (although OBS doesn't have any really low bandwidth options, so you have to go with 48). I believe I knocked my encoder preset up a notch too. It's possible to knock up the encoder preset a few notches without a huge hit on processor usage at low resolutions, something to keep in mind. It helps improve your stream quite a bit too.

Most definitely knock audio all the way down to the minimum. AAC makes things sound pretty good even at low bit rates

It's also important to note at such low upstreams you have to set up a QoS profile in windows to limit the absolute maximum bandwidth for a streaming program so it doesn't choke your upload if it spikes. I had to do this at least, but you're in a better position so you probably wont need to do that. You want to give yourself at least 100kbps of room for your actual gaming packets and as a buffer.


New Member
Thanks alot guys from advice, but i really think its not possible to steam. Even with like 300 bitrate its already making my games lag too much. For example i tried stream dota 2, my normal ping is like 45ms, but while streaming its like 150ms, so its kinda unplayable for me.