Question / Help streaming with buffering and lag problems/best settings?


New Member
so my stream seems to lag and buffer and would like some help from the community to see if any of my settings are incorrect.

but the main problem im having iss im using twitchtest and i cant find a server wwith the recommened 80 quality and low RTT and when i do find one i test it again and its gone down to like 70-60quality but thanks for any help this my internet speed and im from the uk:

9 ms

29.25 Mbps

5.74 Mbps

so thats what im working with any help is appricated :P .


Active Member
RTT is largely irrelevant when it comes to choosing a server to stream to. Go with the highest quality you can find, regardless of region and regardless of RTT.


New Member
RTT is largely irrelevant when it comes to choosing a server to stream to. Go with the highest quality you can find, regardless of region and regardless of RTT.

ok thanks but is my upload and download good enough to stream 1920.1080 or should i stick to 1280.720


Active Member
If you're streaming to twitch, and you don't have partnership, 720p60 and 1080pANYTHING are beyond your reach due to how twitch routes its viewers for non-partnered streamers
720p30 at 2000kbit with the slowest sounding x264 preset your system can handle.


New Member
If you're streaming to twitch, and you don't have partnership, 720p60 and 1080pANYTHING are beyond your reach due to how twitch routes its viewers for non-partnered streamers
720p30 at 2000kbit with the slowest sounding x264 preset your system can handle.

ok thanks what about 1920 or would it just down scale it and thanks for all of the help i appricate it :)