Question / Help Streaming with a 4K Monitor


New Member
I have researched everywhere and tried every setting possible with no success. I upgraded from a 1080p monitor to a 4k monitor. I have 2 pc's, one for gaming (4k Monitor) and one for streaming (1080p monitor) via elgato hd60 pro. Does anyone have a similar setup that works ???

Here are my pc specs the important ones (not here to showcase):

16gb ram
GTX 1080

16gb ram
no gpu
elgato hd60 pro

Keep in mind, I have never had an issue with the 1080p monitors, once I made the change to a 4k gaming monitor its been the most frustrating thing on how to figure this out, not many good or concrete information out there.

If anyone can help I would appreciate your assistance.

Thank you.
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Active Member
The video capture card has to support the resolution you send to it. But the HD60 Pro only supports 1080p video, so you can't use 4k resolutions if you want the video capture card to recognize it. You either need a very high end video capture card that can do 4k, or you need to only use 1080p resolution while you're streaming.

Even if you get a video capture card that can capture 4k, you'll still need to downscale it significantly to stream it out more than likely, which will negate most of the benefit of the high resolution capture. For Twitch streaming, its unrealistic to stream more than 720p for most people, with 1080p being the max you can go in an ideal case. YouTube might be able to go higher, I'm not sure, but you'll have to have an elite internet connection in that case as well.


You can do 4K streaming. Even without a capture card, but then you need a CPU that can lift that heavy load. 1080p 60FPS already eats up half of what my 5820k @4,5GHz is capable of. 4k - you need 10 threads on the CPU to make x264 veryfast run somewhat stable.
But generally it is possible. Youtube can handle that, but you want between 50 and 100mbit/s upload for that. And no thats not elite, thats average even in eastern countries like Russia. You can try to feed that into Twitch, but on a second account - they will most likely ban that withhin minutes :P

riot fish

New Member
Just Go into display settings and tell elgato to clone your 4k monitor and keep the resolution. Now the elgato will be a 4k downscaled copy at 1080p. Then set your stream to 720p. Done. I run a similar setup to this. Newer and faster but very similar in setup. ( you don't have to use the in and the out on the elgato. just the in )