Question / Help Streaming w/OBS and Elgato.


New Member
I am new to the streaming with OBS and Elgato, I've been streaming for a long time ago on PSN with the built-in settings for Twitch. Well, that's old times- now there is a new time and I want my stream to look a little more nice than what PSN built-in straming can give me.

I do have some quick questions, because I have no clue what to do here.
  • Can you somehow use the PSN webcam on OBS? Or do I have to buy a new one to use? (this isn't the end of the world, honestly. But then I'll have to get going asap to get my cam if it is not possible).
  • I just bought TurtleBeach Stealth520 headset for my gaming, will I be able to use this while streaming through OBS w/elgato? And how...? I mean, I really need the game sound on my headset, and I need to be able to speak to my teammates. At the same time I'll be needing this to go through my OBS too. But I do not know how to do it.
Yes, I've got my psn on OBS, but that's about it. Mostly because I'm stuck at this point when it comes to my webcam and specially my headset. Anyone out there who knows more than I do who can help out a little?