Question / Help streaming/recording ps4 through OBS?


New Member
Im trying to set up OBS so i can record and/or stream from my ps4, im using a hauppauge hd pvr rocket capture card and followed the instructions from a video on their youtube channel which showed me how to set up OBS to record/stream from PS4 but it just isnt working for me, as soon as i set my source as video capture device, i am just met with a black screen which is supposed to show whats on my console, could anybody help me fix this ?


Active Member
The HDPVR is a non-standards-compliant capture device. To cap from it in OBS Classic, you need to run their software and capture that.
I believe that OBS Studio has support for the HDPVR/HDPVR2.
Beyond that, you DO need to disable HDCP on the PS4 to allow recording.

But yeah, there's a reason the HDPVR is sold cheap.