Question / Help Streaming problems i5 6600K 4.6GHz


New Member
Hey guys im having a problem with my stream.
here is the log file -
and heres a twitch test -

the stream looks very choppy and not smooth and i know myself its capable of better OBS was only using liek 12% usage which im shocked by because it was really high earlier streaming other games

can anyone recommend me a better setup for my build

i5 6600K 4.6GHz
16GB DDR4 2666MHz
nVidia GTX960
Asus Z170 Pro Gaming Mobo

Looks like your keyframe interval is quite high, Twitch recommends setting it to 2. Might want to try that out.

The rest looked fine to me, unless I'm blind. I assume your FPS ingame is fine?
Ah yes of course you are, my bad! Temporarily forgot that keyint in the log is fps * keyframe interval :)

I was thinking about one thing you could test, and it might not make you happy as a CS player. If you try to stream when you have vsync on in CS, just to see if that works better. Again, I understand if you want all them frames per second for sick flicks, but testing how it works might be valuable. Also, you could try setting fps_max in the console. I'm not sure about what value but you could try both 60 and 120 for example and see how that looks.

Did you try streaming other games than CS? I see H1Z1 in the log as well. Just curious, if so, if they were choppy as well.