Question / Help streaming @low bitrate


New Member
Hi all.
Got my live gamer HD and OBS for some console streaming pleasure
my upstream caps at 840kbps and i need some bandwidth for online play (gears of war, mostly)

this is my out of the box result with:

i5 @3.4
8GB ram

video BR 400kbps (variable bitrate) audio 96kbps mp3
quality 8-10 @ superfast
native res 1080p downscaled to 360p @ 30fps (or 480p@30fps)
minimize network impact on

labels and names during a match are barely readable plus those horrible pixels everywhere
what can i do to improve quality?

also, what can i use for player names and teams?


New Member
thx i'll definitely try that

bu i can read almost everywhere that changing the cpu preset is almost useless.
the popup in settings menu suggest to leave it's quite confusing wheter this change will really affect the quality or not


Town drunk
It's more useful at lower bitrates/resolutions, and especially if you are using a capture card.


shura30 said:
thx i'll definitely try that

bu i can read almost everywhere that changing the cpu preset is almost useless.
the popup in settings menu suggest to leave it's quite confusing wheter this change will really affect the quality or not
it should be on veryfast by default.. the preset "faster" can help you a little with a non good trade when it comes to the performance to quality ratio. but still at that resolution and fps (this senario) you have alot of cpu performance and very little quality. so it's worth it.


New Member
i will gladly waste that idle cpu (i stream on console so beside encoding and uploading my pc is doing nothing) if the result will be more than decent
i've seen some 360p streams that look very nice even at low bandwidths

also what do you guys suggest to use for overlay panels?(player name, teams, event etc etc) currently i'm using panel writer i'd like to know if anything better exists to keep the score and names up to date to what i'm streaming