Question / Help Streaming GTA V Online is almost impossible


New Member
Okay, I`m a streamer, started streaming some time ago, never had any problems streaming any games (I have a good PC). Tried streaming GTA V for the first time yesterday and the map just wasn`t loading when driving. Here is the stream recording (only available during the next 30 days since Twitch deletes those):, skip to minute 13:20 and watch the unwatchable slideshow.
My setup is the following:
  • Intel i5 4590 3.3-3.7 GHz
  • Kingston Beast 8GB 2400 Mhz
  • Gigabyte R9 270X Windforce
  • AS Rock Fatal1ty Killer
  • Zalman 700W
  • 5 120mm coolers
  • 2TB HDD & 120GB SDD
  • Upload 10Mbps aka bitrate up to 10k
So the problem I find is that the CPU is being used 100% when streaming GTA V and I even lowered the game settings to the lowest. Then after searching I tried experimenting with AMD vce and I could finally stream the game with almost no lags whatsoever. Now finally to the question, can I lower the CPU usage even further? I streamed GTA V with AMC VCE default settings on OBS STUDIO. Could Quicksinc be any better? If I understand correctly Quicksinc uses the integrated CPU graphics, so the AMD VCE should actually be better for my case?
Also what settings should I put on OBS STUDIO VCE so I minimize the CPU stress? I have no problem with putting more stress on the internet connection as well since I have more then enough upload speed.


Okay, I`m a streamer, started streaming some time ago, never had any problems streaming any games (I have a good PC). Tried streaming GTA V for the first time yesterday and the map just wasn`t loading when driving. Here is the stream recording (only available during the next 30 days since Twitch deletes those):, skip to minute 13:20 and watch the unwatchable slideshow.
My setup is the following:
  • Intel i5 4590 3.3-3.7 GHz
  • Kingston Beast 8GB 2400 Mhz
  • Gigabyte R9 270X Windforce
  • AS Rock Fatal1ty Killer
  • Zalman 700W
  • 5 120mm coolers
  • 2TB HDD & 120GB SDD
  • Upload 10Mbps aka bitrate up to 10k
So the problem I find is that the CPU is being used 100% when streaming GTA V and I even lowered the game settings to the lowest. Then after searching I tried experimenting with AMD vce and I could finally stream the game with almost no lags whatsoever. Now finally to the question, can I lower the CPU usage even further? I streamed GTA V with AMC VCE default settings on OBS STUDIO. Could Quicksinc be any better? If I understand correctly Quicksinc uses the integrated CPU graphics, so the AMD VCE should actually be better for my case?
Also what settings should I put on OBS STUDIO VCE so I minimize the CPU stress? I have no problem with putting more stress on the internet connection as well since I have more then enough upload speed.

This is quite interesting as to why it won't stream easily, given your decent hardware. I have a similar GPU (the R9 280x 3GB) and 16 GB of RAM and an Ivy Bridge i7-3770k running at stock 3.5 GHz... I might try this to see if my semi-beefier hardware can run it smoothly at the point where you can't. My suggestion to you is to visit the OBS chat and present them this issue and include a log. Good luck!


Okay so CroLux... I have a few questions/suggestions for you, and I didn't see this addressed in the iRC chat when you told the developers your issues.

1. Where are you running your OS and games from? You list that you have a 120 GB SSD and a 2 TB physical HDD. I would assume that the game(s) you want to stream and the OS would be installed to the SSD and the 2 TB HDD would be used for recording your local footage (i.e. footage you'd edit in Sony Vegas or whatever your preferred editing software suite might be).

2. Why are you running Fraps when you're running OBS Studio at the same time? Are you using Fraps to record your gameplay footage? GTA V is a demanding game and if you're doing what I think you're doing then you're overusing and in some cases abusing your resources more than you should be, hence the near constant 100% CPU usage. Your i5 should be able to handle stuff fine, since most games nowadays depend on GPU more than CPU for all the heavy lifting.

3. Why not use OBS Studio's built in recording functions? That way less resources are being consumed, leaving more available for OBS to stream and more for GTA V to actually run properly during your stream. The files generated by the OBS recording feature should be edit-able fine in Vegas etc. By default it records in FLV format, but you can either remux it with OBS itself, or you can just (while for some reason not recommended) record direct to MP4, and BAM. You can take that footage and edit it to your heart's content.

I hope that helps and let us all know how you make out.


New Member
1. Windows 10 64bit Pro
Actually, SSD is only for the OS and the necessary instalations (the programs you get on the CD when buying the PC parts). Everything else (including Steam, Fraps, Sony Vegas, Photoshop etc.) is located on the HDD.
2. Ofc while streaming the only programs that are running are: The game I`m playing, OBS Studio, Nightbot, Chrome (only to preview my own stream so I can see whats going on), and Twitch Alerts. TA and Nightbot are actuall programs and not web pages opened in Chrome tabs.
I use Fraps only because it`s simple and it takes a really small toll on my CPU (fps drop is 2fps max). I know it`s possible to record with OBS but never tried it because it looks really complicated to me.
3. I hope you do know that recording and streaming in OBS are 2 different things XD
I do not record and stream at the same time, I only ever stream the game and if I want to save it I can do it by downloading it from Twitch.