Streaming Different Resolutions


New Member
I would it be possible to set the resolution size and the scale of the output under scenes and or sources? (maybe make the one in settings the default, but let us change it under those areas)

Reason why I ask is I recently bought a 32'' TV as my main screen. It has a recommended resolution of 1360x768 which is fine for 1:1 streaming and most things I'd stream. However sometimes I upscale to 1920x1080 for more screen room. If I do that I basically have to restart OBS in order for it to recognize my monitor resolution change. It'd be nice if all I needed to do was change scenes. Also if I switch over to 1920x1080 I'd want to downscale the stream to 1280x720.


Forum Admin
You can't change resolutions in the middle of a stream, afaik. You will always have to restart your stream in order to change the resolution, and I don't think that's a thing OBS can change... I could be wrong.