Question / Help Streaming CS:GO and getting good FPS?


New Member

I've been interested in streaming CS:GO more lately. But whenever I stream, my FPS drops by 100-200 no matter what I try and it makes me play worse. I'm hoping there's a way to make my stream not look terrible but also make the game run well!

CPU: i5-4690k clocked at 3.5GHz
GPU: GTX 970
Windows: Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit
Monitor 1: Asus VG248QE
Monitor 2: Acer G226HQL

All I have open is ESEA client, TeamSpeak and Hexchat.

If you look at my FPS at the bottom, you can see it stays around 200 but keeps going up and down, what would be optimal is keeping it at around 200-250 consistently.

OBS Log (for that vod):


Unfortunately that is result, expected for that cpu. It's i5, csgo is cpu demanding game and require huge amount of FPS. Checking your log and your settings are completely fine, only thing which you can lower is 45 to 30fps (although I love 45fps since it's smooth as 60), but that isnt going to increase your fps.

You can lock fps in CSGO to your minimal fps which you are droping, usualy best solution to avoid those jumps. Try locking on 180 for example. I had mine locked on 144fps when I had fx8350 and 144hz monitor, when i bought i7 then was maintaining constant 250+ fps.


New Member
Unfortunately that is result, expected for that cpu. It's i5, csgo is cpu demanding game and require huge amount of FPS. Checking your log and your settings are completely fine, only thing which you can lower is 45 to 30fps (although I love 45fps since it's smooth as 60), but that isnt going to increase your fps.

You can lock fps in CSGO to your minimal fps which you are droping, usualy best solution to avoid those jumps. Try locking on 180 for example. I had mine locked on 144fps when I had fx8350 and 144hz monitor, when i bought i7 then was maintaining constant 250+ fps.

Damn, that's too bad. Do you think if I overclocked I could get better results? Otherwise, what i7 would you reccomend?


You could having on mind that it's CSGO. You should be able to get +500mhz on that cpu but with solid air cooler. Personaly if budget is no problem i7 6700k is always there as "default" for high-end configs. I have i7 4770k and had no issue while I'm streaming in any game.. CPU always had spare space even on fast/faster preset. But with i7 4790k at the same price range I would say 4790k as "must have" in i7 setup for livestreams.