Question / Help Streaming Browser Games with Unity Engine


New Member
Sorry if this has been asked before. I did a search but came up empty.

Is there a way to stream/record Unity Engine browser games in fullscreen?

I am trying to stream (actually do a local recording) City of Steam in fullscreen. I have tried using, game capture and software capture and I have the same problem with both. When I go from browser view to window view the video freezes in the browser view. The audio keeps up and I am playing the game in fullscreen but I am recording/streaming the froze browser view.

Sir Jaxxy


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
Browser games are usually opengl I think, which causes some issues with some capture methods. You might have to disable aero or something to get it working properly, not entirely sure. I might have to play one of these games myself and see


New Member
Thanks Jim. I will keep playing around with it and see what I can do. I am not heavy into browser games but City of Steam,, is well worth playing. If it is any indication of what the Unity Engine can do this might be a new wave of gaming ;)

Sir Jaxxy


New Member
I have the same issue referring to offensive combat, i can not record/stream it in full screen, i just see a black screen on my stream with sound on the background, though i can stream it if its not fullscreen, when i choose to play the game from the browser.

Is there anything i can do to help on this subject ?