Question / Help Streaming and capturing with your laptop


New Member
Mabye a weird question.

is it possble to play a game on your pc and then use you laptop to stream it so it doesn't use your pc hardware.

if so can somebody give me a small explanation of it.


Community Helper
If you have USB 3.0 available on your laptop with an Intel or Renesas controller, then you can use a device like the XCAPTURE-1 to do so. Otherwise, you'll be stuck with a USB 2.0 capture device, of which there aren't many good options. The Elgato devices can be added directly to OBS, but they have a few issues. HD PVR devices seem alright, but can't be added directly to OBS yet. Instead, you have to window capture the Hauppauge program to get it into OBS. I haven't heard any good things about the AVerMedia Live Gamer Portable.


New Member
i got no idea if i have the right usb version but my laptop is the HP Pavilion dv7

and thanks for the help guys !


Town drunk
There are a couple decent USB 2.0 capture devices. Elgato Game Capture HD being one of them. There are a couple audio sync issues but with some tweaking of settings, they can be eliminated.


New Member
thanks :),

then ill move to my next question.

i put my Dxdiag for my pc spec in here.

Im trying to stream Gunz the Second duel (Gunz 2) before this i was alway able to stream games (arma 2 call of duty ect ect)

Without using any streamcard(capturecard) in my pc.

Is my pc just outofdate or are mabye my settings wrong.

Specs for the game:
Specification: Intel Dual Core 2.0G or above, RAM 1GB, HDD 3GB, Video Card: GeForce 6600 or faster


  • DxDiag 13-9-13.txt
    34.8 KB · Views: 54


New Member
does anyone have an idea if im able to even stream gunz 2 cause i got a feeling im doing something wrong :)


New Member
ok i fix the problem of the ingame lagg

by setting x264 ultrafast my ingame is fine.

but now twitch its really laggy for somereason..

here is my last log


  • 2013-09-19-1822-36.log
    53.8 KB · Views: 47


Community Helper
Actually, the main slowdown looks like it's in your GPU...the GTX 200-series cards don't seem to perform very well with OBS. They are pretty old, after all.

Also, it looks like your log shows a game capture source that's not working...are you still using that? If not, you should remove it from your scene.


New Member
i removed it be it dinn't solve the twitch problem my game is running fine but for some reason twitch doesn't its reaaally laggy on twitch..


Community Helper
18:29:23: Total frames rendered: 4370, number of late frames: 4346 (99.45%) (it's okay for some frames to be late)
Your system can't grab and encode frames fast enough to output a smooth stream. This is largely due to your slow GPU.


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
Yes, you are streaming at too high of a resolution/fps for your computer system. Use downscale and lower the FPS. I would recommend using our estimator.