Question / Help Streaming 720p


Community Helper
What are your current settings? You don't have to necessarily lower your resolution to get more people watching without lag. It is the bitrate that controls that for the most part. The lower the bitrate the more people that will be able to watch. Twitch recommends people to stream at 2000 or under bitrate if you are not a partner( ... 2415879168). It all just depends on the quality you want for your stream then finding that balance.


Go into Settings -> Video -> Resolution Downscale. Set it to 720p there (should be 1.25 in your case). But, I agree with Floatingthru, there is no reason why 900 shouldn't be perfectly watchable.

Show us a log of a session that was laggy. Here's how to post the log -- viewtopic.php?f=5&t=97


Active Member
Doesn't so much matter if you're streaming at 480p, 720p, 900p or 1080p, as much as what bitrate you're sending, to which server, and if you're casting within your actual bandwidth (aka: forget what tells you, it's worthless for livestreaming).

Do post a log. It's possible that you're lagging or dropping frames instead, which looks laggy/stuttery. They're in %appdata%\OBS\logs and are timestamped. They're textfiles, so just open one with a notepad, copy the complete contents, and paste it here inside of 'code' tags. We'll need that to fix the underlying problem.

Just dropping to 720p is not likely to help, despite what your viewers have said.


CarsonEarl said:
It's a request by my viewers, I'd rather it work 100% of the time.
Your viewers however may not be the most experienced at streaming themselves. Or at tweaking OBS, for that matter. You've got an entire community of people ready, willing and able to help here on Trust our combined judgement, as a community we've done and seen it all, as far as streaming is concerned.