Hello My name is Jonas - Aka - Tereith
So i' recently started streaming and i love it. It's lots of fun and entertains me as well even though i'm the streamer. Ie.
I need help guys & girls. ====
The thing is. I wanna hear what you guys think i'm capable of
First of all here is my pc specs
Intel Core i5-2400 CPU @ 3.10GHz = 3102MHz 4 CPU
Windows 7 64x bit DirectX 11
Gerforce Gtx 580 8 Gigabyte DDR3 ram
I got 100 Mbps Download
And 60 Mbps Upload
If you could please enter the best and highest settings i could stream world of warcraft in. It would be really awesome.
Thanks in advance = Tereith =
P.s. My current settings that i run with now is 9 quality 1920 x 1080. Veryfast
6k bitrate 5,5k buffer . fps 30. It runs alright it lags very little at me / my gameplay. else everything is fine.
But when i pop it to 720p it's not that good graphics on the stream. It's very blurry. If i could get a clean 720 that runs smoth it would most epic. !! :) - Oh yea. And i got a pretty long delay. 7-8 seconds delay anyway to fix that i' checked the twitch and the obs but nothing there either
So i' recently started streaming and i love it. It's lots of fun and entertains me as well even though i'm the streamer. Ie.
I need help guys & girls. ====
The thing is. I wanna hear what you guys think i'm capable of
First of all here is my pc specs
Intel Core i5-2400 CPU @ 3.10GHz = 3102MHz 4 CPU
Windows 7 64x bit DirectX 11
Gerforce Gtx 580 8 Gigabyte DDR3 ram
I got 100 Mbps Download
And 60 Mbps Upload
If you could please enter the best and highest settings i could stream world of warcraft in. It would be really awesome.
Thanks in advance = Tereith =
P.s. My current settings that i run with now is 9 quality 1920 x 1080. Veryfast
6k bitrate 5,5k buffer . fps 30. It runs alright it lags very little at me / my gameplay. else everything is fine.
But when i pop it to 720p it's not that good graphics on the stream. It's very blurry. If i could get a clean 720 that runs smoth it would most epic. !! :) - Oh yea. And i got a pretty long delay. 7-8 seconds delay anyway to fix that i' checked the twitch and the obs but nothing there either