Question / Help Streaming 1080p with 4,20 mbit


New Member
Hello everyone.

I'm pretty new to streaming and got a few questions. Rest assure i have read many guides before starting.
Never the less there are some things every guide has a different answer for.

First things first. My PC:
- gtx680
- i7-3770K, (maybe a i7-3930K if its worth it.) Currently working on overclocking it to around 4,2 ghz
- 8gb ram

I made a speedtest over 24h with 1 test every hour.
Result: the slowest upload speed i got was 4,20 mbit.

Now some guides say you should not go above 3500 bitrate for your stream, because without twitch partnership, people will encounter lagg do to bad connection on the viewer side. Since i have only 4,20 mbit upload on my hands and you should save around 1 mbit of upload for the game, music, etc i think a 3200 bitrate is the goal for me.
Some guides say you can stream 1080p with an bitrate of 3200 with the right settings. ( something along the lines of going from veryfast preset to fast, wich increases the cpu load, but enables you to switch to a lower bitrate).

Since i only started a few days ago, i'm not shure if anything written in these guides is true or not.

Thanks in advance

Since i don't have experience with 1080p, my current stream runs on 720p.
Nerver the less i got hiccups in the stream. (arround 1 every 10 sekonds). OBS says i have 0 fps loss and always 30 fps.
OBS settings are 720p, 3200 bitrate, 6400 buffer, veryfast, quality 10, 30fps.
CPU load @ 75-80% max.
For example view this:

For a completely inexperienced streamer like me, it's hard to find the source of the problem.


There isn't really a point for streaming in 1080p ? (as long as you're not a partner on Twitch)
I would just go with 720p and a bitrate of 3000


Community Helper
LemonWAG1 said:
There isn't really a point for streaming in 1080p ? (as long as you're not a partner on Twitch)
I would just go with 720p and a bitrate of 3000
What do you mean no point? I mean, sure, bit rate will be high with no transcode options, but its not like Twitch prevents you from streaming in 1080p if you aren't a partner.


dodgepong said:
LemonWAG1 said:
There isn't really a point for streaming in 1080p ? (as long as you're not a partner on Twitch)
I would just go with 720p and a bitrate of 3000
What do you mean no point? I mean, sure, bit rate will be high with no transcode options, but its not like Twitch prevents you from streaming in 1080p if you aren't a partner.
True, but you don't see such a bit difference and much people can't watch the stream :(
(I've tried streaming in 1080p, but 720p works better. In my opinion)