Question / Help Stream with 900 upload?


New Member

is it possible to stream with 900k/bit upload speed?

I tried to stream tera, when i stand still the picture is perfekt.. but when i move its just bad bad bad bad... quali.
Maybe i just must to change some settings? Or is it not possible?

My Computer ist very good, so its just the Internet :/
900 is too low for 720p. The most you can do is 480p or lower. Even then, the quality will be very poor.

2000 bit-rate with 720p resolution is the minimum for a nice stream that people will enjoy.
You should be able to have a good 25fps 480p stream with around 600-700bitrate and a low audio bitrate to not exceed your upload(you can also try lowering the preset to squeeze a bit more "clearness" out of it if your cpu allows it). 720p is not possible .

People surely prefer 720p streams but i am sure some guys with low download speeds who aren't able to watch high quality streams anyways will like you for it (just make sure to mention it in the title ,like "Asacs non laggy 480p stream" or so) !