Question / Help Stream suggestions


New Member
Hello everyone, I am new to this forum and fairly new to the streaming world and I would like to get some help tweaking my stream.

Currently I am streaming the game League of Legends from time to time, and I got a decent setup, however I still have some lag spikes in the stream itself which is probably caused by frame drops. I often get quite a large amount of frame drops and that is starting to bothering me. So here I am to ask for some assistance to improve the quality of my stream.

My OBS log is located at the following link:
Also my speedtest results:

I'm really looking forward for some advice to improve the quality, so thanks in advance if you are able to help me out!

P.S. If I am missing to information you require to help please notify me about this.


Try streaming to the uk ingest server or or any other. if that doesn't work run a little program called shaperprobe and post the results.


New Member
I am kinda shocked while running the program you asked to me to run...

DiffProbe release. January 2012. Build 1008.
Shaper Detection Module.

Connected to server

Estimating capacity:
Upstream: 9727 Kbps.
Downstream: 86719 Kbps.

The measurement will take upto 2.5 minutes. Please wait.

Checking for traffic shapers:

Upstream: Measurement aborted due to high packet loss rate.

Downstream: No shaper detected.
Median received rate: 65333 Kbps.

For more information, visit:

After a while of testing I also get this:

DiffProbe release. January 2012. Build 1008.
Shaper Detection Module.

Connected to server

Estimating capacity:
Upstream: 10070 Kbps.
Downstream: 128095 Kbps.

The measurement will take upto 2.5 minutes. Please wait.

Checking for traffic shapers:

Upstream: No shaper detected.
Median received rate: 9856 Kbps.

Downstream: No shaper detected.
Median received rate: 94901 Kbps.

For more information, visit:

Connecting to a random IP that appeared in the phobe and used my command box : ping -t
Ping-statistics for
    packages: send = 1974, recieved= 1963, lost= 11
    (0% loss).

average time for executing one operation in milliseconds:
    Minimum = 161ms, Maximum = 188ms, average= 164ms

I translated this because I got my computer installed at the Dutch language, however the point should be made.


Community Helper
You can try selecting a different Twitch server to see if you get a better connection, because you're dropping a lot of frames.

But what concerns me more is that you're using XP...OBS isn't supposed to work at all on XP, since it doesn't have DirectX 10, so I'm really confused by this log. What is your setup like?

EDIT: You have an i7-3770 and a 7800 series AMD gpu, and are still on XP? You have more VRAM than system RAM...what am I reading...


New Member
I'm not sure how it's possible what this Log is giving you. However I am running on windows 7 64 bits.
I got 8 GB ram installed and I got DirectX version 11. Is there a possible way that I have wrongfully executed the logging?


New Member
I've tried :

netsh interface tcp set global congestionprovider=ctcp

That has been suggested by Hilapro in another thread. Currently I can stream at 2000 bitrate without frame drops (been testing only for an hour, but I think it's good so far. Now I will see to how much I can keep this going (I hope untill 3000 so I got a good quality stream).

Edit: Okay so I think 2200 is pretty much the max I can get... Is this officially 720p or would this fall under 480p high quality?


New Member
Could Teamspeak 3 with 1 other person in my channel (hosted on my own pc) cause these immense frame drops? When I got 2300 bitrate / frame buffer and I got TS on I got huge frame drops, but when I put it on 2000 (no TS) I got no problems at all.