Hello OBS, My stream is stuttering while i play, I'm new streamer and my settings are what i think okay
I'm on a i7 2600 GTX 680 8GB G.Skill 2133 MHZ ram 30/30 Internet connection!
My stream is stuttering!
My current OBS settings are. Quality Balance is 8
Bitrate 5000 Buffer 5000
Streaming server EU: Frankfurt DE closest to me Live in Denmark .
Video 1920 X 1080
Downscale resolution 1.50 : 1280X720
What is wrong :O?
I'm on a i7 2600 GTX 680 8GB G.Skill 2133 MHZ ram 30/30 Internet connection!
My stream is stuttering!
My current OBS settings are. Quality Balance is 8
Bitrate 5000 Buffer 5000
Streaming server EU: Frankfurt DE closest to me Live in Denmark .
Video 1920 X 1080
Downscale resolution 1.50 : 1280X720
What is wrong :O?