Question / Help Stream of CSGO is blury - pls help with settings

Joseph M

New Member
Hi guys, Im looking for optimal settings for OBS. I tried but stream is blury or game is lagging.

My specs:
Nvdia 1070
Processor I7 latest
16 GB ram
Internet 120MB down / 6MB Up - Optic

Current settings:
Video Bitrate 3000
Encoder Hardware
audio 128
video: Base resolution - 1980x1020
output scaled 1280x720
Downscale Filter - Lancoz

In game resolution 1600x900 - Counter Strike - 144 Hz

can me someone help ?
Try 2500 bitrate instead. It sounds like you might be having some connection issues. If anybody sharing your internet (family or whatever) is also downloading or streaming movies and such it may be bogging down your net.

Also, fast paced games like FPSs tend to add bluriness naturally.

Joseph M

New Member
TY for answer,it is really not connection issue , im 100% im living alone and only devide is PC
speed test and another test shows stable 6 mb upload ping to german twitch server is 6 ms
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