Question / Help Stream looks horrible with good cpu


New Member
Hello guys, recently i started streaming and i spent so many hours trying o find the perfect settings but i never could, every setting i use it looks bad, these are my settings right now:
rate control: cbr
bitrate : 6000
keyframe 2
cpu preset veryfast
res 1280x720 60fps
profile high

My pc is :
CPU: Intel i5 7600
MB: Gigabyte B250-HD3P
RAM: 8 GB DDR4 2400mhz Kingston Hyperx Fury

I sometimes get encoding overloaded with that settings when i play Minecraft. And, another thing, i'm playing minecraft with 100+ fps but in obs sometimes shows even lower than 60 fps though i play at 100+. Why is that?

What can i do to improve my streaming quality?
Log file only shows about two seconds of streaming and doesn't show any issue. Post a complete log that had the issue in question.


Forum Moderator
Enable vsync or the frame rate limiter in your games so your hardware doesn't get maxed out. Explain what "looks bad" means or link to an example recording.


Hey, it might just be me. But the stream looks just a like a 720p should look like. You can try to set your fps to unlimited so that it will not dip under 60. Also play around with your Downscale filter. that might make it look a little bit odd. But as far as 720p goes you're at that level :)


New Member
Yeah, it may be...i think the youtubers i see are playing at 1080p but they downscale to 720p and maybe that's why they have better quality. I'm playing on window mode 1280x720 because i have 1440x900 monitor. I think if i will get a better video card the quality will be much better and a new monitor.