Question / Help Stream lags badly (LogFile incl)


New Member
Hi there,

As mentioned before
- I used to stream fine but after some updates its going downhill so I hope someone could help me fix my stream, so it'll go smooth again :) Tried a bunch of options but software capture and game capture.. same problem :/

Streaming Starcraft 2 here.

Log file:


Community Helper
Your profiler seems to indicate that your computer is having a really hard time both rendering each scene, and encoding the video. Here are a couple things to consider:

If yo have Aero disabled, do not use Window capture; instead, using Monitor capture. Conversely, if you have Aero enabled, do not use Monitor capture, but use Window capture instead.

Really, you should only need Game capture to capture the game, though. If you are experimenting with different capture methods, only use one at a time; that is, don't put both Game capture and another capture method to capture the game in the same scene together, even if one is unchecked. Honestly, I would just start over and delete any software capture sources and global sources you have, and see if you can get things working with only Game source.

I'm not sure if your CPU and GPU are powerful enough to stream at the quality you are trying to get. Try reducing your resolution and changing your preset to ultrafast.


New Member
Thanks for the tips dodgepong.

I do know the CPU isn't the best :/
Tho - I have been able to stream even with a slower connection than I have now.

Anyway, in Video - what would you recommend?
I mean, should I go for a specific resolution and a downscale, or set something here?