Question / Help Stream lagging for viewers


New Member
Hey, I recently tried streaming CS:GO and when I go in game, the stream starts lagging for viewers. I tried lowering my bitrate, setting affinity, most of the stuff that's on the forum, etc, nothing worked. It looks like stuttering, as if my frames were dropping, but it says 0 dropped frames on obs.

My internet speed is 100/100, and I'm running i5 6600k, GTX 960.


Anyone can help me? Look at the logs on the lower part.


Active Member
So you mentioned all 3 Terms with different meanings, but what is your real Issue? Are your Viewers by any chance reporting a spinning Circle as in Buffering/Lagging on stream?

A Vod would be greatly appreciated in those specific cases.

Though your Log shows that you are skipping and duplicating Frames - This can be caused by the strexm Overlay. Are you maybe running some other Overlay Tools to show ingame FPS or anything else or do you run special Startup Commands for CSGO?


Active Member
Here's the vod:

You can see the game stuttering early on. It might be due to my overlay, I'll test without it.

These are my CS:GO Launch options: -freq 144 -novid -nojoy -tickrate 128 -high -threads 4

Pretty much none of the Launch Options has any real use except the -novid and maybe depending on the current client the -tickrate 128

also -threads 4 and -high especially on an i5 can cause a lot of trouble

judging by the vod you literally run into peak moments where the encoder just skips frames because your game has a higher priority.

And make sure to cap your FPS ingame -freq 144 literally does nothing and doesnt really cap the fps.
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