Bug Report Stream lag


Right to the thing....my friends say that my stream lags when they watch it...yesterday i wrote on quakenet with dodgepong or what is his name and he told me to change twitch server so i triend and still the same....but when i try to preview it in recorded on twitch.tv in dashboard it looks fine to me and not only 1 friend says it lags.

log file:http://pastebin.com/A7VKDtfN

please somebody help

my upload speed is 3.06 last i tested


Community Helper
Oh hello again :)

According to this log, you are not lagging to the Amsterdam server...you have no dropped frames or lagged frames, and you saw yourself that the preview looked fine.

I think the problem here is actually on your friend's side...my guess is that he doesn't have the bandwidth to watch your 1800 kbps stream (which is a reasonable bit rate for your resolution, maybe even a bit low).