Question / Help Stream lag only after buying new Cam


New Member
Hello. I recently bought a new Logitech C615 webcam to make my stream higher quality. I also use a greenscreen. Everything looks fantastic, but now my games drop frames both in game and on OBS. This mostly happens with games like Skyrim and Mortal Kombat. I used the onboard laptop cam before and had little issue. But all of a sudden, external camera and I can only stream games like Street Fighter IV, Magic the Gathering and other not-using-much games. Any way to fix this?

TLDR: New USB camera instead of old onboard laptop cam, stream and most games drop frames like crazy. Help!


Active Member
Post a log. They're in %appdata%\OBS\logs ...fair warning though, dropped frames are a network-based issue, and adding a webcam won't really affect that.

If it's lagged frames (a local system issue), it could be the higher resolution taxing your CPU further for some reason. Or not enough bandwidth available on your USB bus. Have you set a custom resolution in the cam setup? You may not be able to handle 1920x1080, depending on other factors... may need to drop it to 1280x720. I believe most Logitech webcams can use the I420 output mode; might try that as well. Have you tried unplugging the USB cam and seeing if the issue goes away? May be an issue with the newest version of OBS for some reason, or another unexpected factor... need to swap back and confirm that the issue goes away, to be certain that the new webcam is definitely what is causing it.


New Member
It seemed to work fine when I unplugged the webcam, and I dropped the res down to 800x600. It's lagged frames, not dropped. I apologize. I'll try turning on the l420 mode.


Active Member
And do post a log as noted. :) If it worked fine when dropping the cam res to 800x600, it sounds like the cam is offloading a LOT of work to the CPU; possibly more than it can handle while also playing a game, and encoding a stream. We'll need to see the log to tell in more detail though.