Bug Report Stream key.


New Member
Hello. I have a little problem with streaming via your problem. Its about stream key from twitch.tv. I am sure, that i copy good stream key. But always (ALWAYS) after 20 sec of streaming, program shouting to me, that I have invalid stream channel/key. I do not know how to 'repair' it. Can someone help me? I will post log if needed. ;] ANd sorry for my english. ;] But I hope that is understandable. And thanks in advance for answer. ;]

Had that problem with own3d too. D:


Forum Admin
Paset it into Notepad first and make sure no spaces are copied before / after it.


You can make sure its copied properly by manually copying it to a file frow which OBS loads profile information. I can't remember very well, but I think it's something like profile.ini located in '%APPDATA%/OBS'. You should close OBS when editing this file.