New Member
Hi everybody, having some issues with the quality of my twitch stream. I streamed the other night and didn't encounter any issues when I went back to check my previous broadcasts, but on today's it's pretty easy to see that the quality isn't at the 720p I would like it to be at. When I found out I read a few others post stating to increase the bitrate, lower stream FPS down to 30, but unfortunately these didn't quite seem to fix the problem. Running an FX8350, 16GB ram, GTX 970, and my upload speed averages around 600Mbs. Is there anything in OBS's settings I might no have properly configured?
Here's a link to the stream, everything is fine until I start moving around and the quality gets a little blocky:
Here's the OBS log too:
Here's a link to the stream, everything is fine until I start moving around and the quality gets a little blocky:
Here's the OBS log too: