Question / Help Stream is lagging.


New Member
So i recently picked up OBS, and the first week or so i didn't have any type of problems.

The first problem i had was the infamous black screen that you get on laptops, but i quickly fixed that.
Now the problem that i have is, my stream lags horribly, but my game doesn't.

Computer specs:

Internet Speed:
I did two of these, one on and one on

I can't see what the problem here is, if any of you could help, please do so.



Active Member
well your internet is good, but your cpu kinda limits you but you should be able to do something like 720@30 on something like ultrafast preset to leave enough room for your cpu to encode but still do what kharay posted and give us your latest log.


Actually, going with Ultrafast is not necessarily the best idea; whereas it does indeed free up a fair bit of CPU time, the quality loss is immense. There are other, better ways to improving the performance of OBS and the game.


New Member
Kharay said:
alpinlol said:
well your internet is good, but your cpu kinda limits you but you should be able to do something like 720@30 on something like ultrafast preset to leave enough room for your cpu to encode but still do what kharay posted and give us your latest log.

This is the latest log.
Forgot to add it sorry :)


New Member
Kharay said:
Actually, going with Ultrafast is not necessarily the best idea; whereas it does indeed free up a fair bit of CPU time, the quality loss is immense. There are other, better ways to improving the performance of OBS and the game.
[/i]Ultrafast[/i], didn't really help with it that much. I actually think it lagged out more.


Active Member
was worth a try on some systems it helps for the price of huge quality loss but your actual latest log with 720@30 and veryfast looked good maybe try changing the server you are streaming to


New Member
Kharay said:
As I suggested, it's a bad idea. ;)
alpinlol said:
was worth a try on some systems it helps for the price of huge quality loss but your actual latest log with 720@30 and veryfast looked good maybe try changing the server you are streaming to

Tried to stream again today, with the ultrafast preset, this time the lag was gone, but now the quality is very poor.
It's really bad quality when it's supposed to be 720p


Yes, as I said -- Don't run Ultrafast. It is never an alternative to improve performance. The cost is simply too great. Anyhow, I had a look at your log(s) and I can't really say it tells of framelag or drop to a great extent. In fact, it seems mostly fine. Have you tried simply changing servers?


New Member
Kharay said:
Yes, as I said -- Don't run Ultrafast. It is never an alternative to improve performance. The cost is simply too great. Anyhow, I had a look at your log(s) and I can't really say it tells of framelag or drop to a great extent. In fact, it seems mostly fine. Have you tried simply changing servers?
I've tried all the European servers, as they are the closest to me.
Didn't improve that much, but going from the DE server, to the NL one showed some kind of stability in the video, but not a huge improvement. But as Alpinlol said, it might be my cpu that's holding me back from streaming with a decent quality.
As for now i will just stream with either superfast or ultrafast, until i get a new pc.


Instead of going with Superfast or Ultrafast you could consider downscaling the resolution to 480p instead. It might actually end up looking better.


Active Member
in eu region id actually suggest the london servers .... never had a problem with those while the nl server keeps dcing me after 5-10 seconds.


Well, Amsterdam sits on top of the Amsterdam Internet Exchange so should technically have the best global connection as far as European servers go.


Active Member
Kharay said:
Well, Amsterdam sits on top of the Amsterdam Internet Exchange so should technically have the best global connection as far as European servers go.

i know but its not true only for a few people actually


That is very odd but I suppose it could be related to the exact routing between yourself and Amsterdam. Interestingly, even though I live in NL myself, Amsterdam does not give me the lowest ping. Frankfurt does. But, well, Frankfurt is a bit of an unstable server so I try and avoid it at all costs.