Question / Help Stream is fuzzy and blurry at 720p


It looks perfectly fine to me o_O. My stream looks very similar when i stream LoL. I've never seen a crystal crisp clear LoL stream unless it's being streamed at 1080P.


The VOD is perfectly watchable indeed; LoL's graphics style and fonts make it somewhat challenging to stream at crystal clarity. Honestly, I wouldn't worry about it too much, comparing your own stream to other streams isn't necessarily the wisest course of action.


New Member
Thanks! Very true. As long as it is fine for others, then it should be fine then. Thanks again for the input :)


New Member
fxybmx said:
I just got new internet and my current plan is 30/4. Testmynet states my upload is around 3.2 but it varies every test. Highest its been is 4.5. I notice when i stream, the stream is blurry and not clear like most streams. Even some streams with same upload as me have crystal clear stream. The lettering is blurry and the picture itself is blurry and fuzzy. Here is a video of my stream:

With that cpu you should set encoder priority to normal (even with an FX-i7, encoding put the cpu to work)