My stream is currently stuttering and getting fps lag for some reason.My internet speed is enough and my ram is enough and my gpu is definitely enough to stream fine. But I am concerned about my processor and think that it might be the issue to my lag.
20 Upload
CPU Intel Core i7-5820k 3.30GHz
Ram 32 Gig
Current obs settings are really low. Encoding Bitrate is only 2200 and I have it down scaled to 720p. I personally don't want to stream any lower then that. I want to have a decent quality stream but I don't mind if it is not 1080p 60fps, I just want a stable stream with no stuttering That is enjoyable to watch. If you need any other information feel free to ask.
20 Upload
CPU Intel Core i7-5820k 3.30GHz
Ram 32 Gig
Current obs settings are really low. Encoding Bitrate is only 2200 and I have it down scaled to 720p. I personally don't want to stream any lower then that. I want to have a decent quality stream but I don't mind if it is not 1080p 60fps, I just want a stable stream with no stuttering That is enjoyable to watch. If you need any other information feel free to ask.