Question / Help Stream freezing on twitch!


New Member
Hello everyone,

I have done extensive research on what settings to use on obs. After reading countless guides, my stream does not look the greatest and freezes every 5 to 10 seconds or so. I know I am not partnered, so I am not sure on how much I can improve the quality of the stream, but there has to be something I can do to stop the freezing. Below are screenshots of my obs settings. Here is a screenshot of said settings. I hope I can get the best looking, stable stream! My computer specs: GeForce GTX 970 with an i5-4460 EVGA SuperNOVA 550 GS 80+ GOLD, 8gbs of ram. Thanks for the help everyone!



  • #1.PNG
    24.4 KB · Views: 77


Active Member
Post an OBS log file from a five minute or longer stream of high action content. Screenshots of your settings usually don't tell us what we need to know.


Active Member
01:57:53: Using graphics capture
01:57:53: Scene buffering time set to 400
01:57:53: ------------------------------------------
01:57:53: Video Encoding: x264
01:57:53: fps: 30
01:57:53: width: 1280, height: 720
01:57:53: preset: veryfast
01:57:53: profile: main
01:57:53: keyint: 60
01:57:53: CBR: yes
01:57:53: CFR: yes
01:57:53: max bitrate: 2000
01:57:53: buffer size: 2000
01:57:53: ------------------------------------------
01:57:55: Using RTMP service: Twitch
01:57:55: Server selection: rtmp://
01:57:55: Interface: Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (2) I218-V (ethernet, 1000 mbps)
01:57:55: Completed handshake with rtmp:// in 266 ms.
01:57:56: SO_SNDBUF was at 65536
01:58:11: Trying to hook process: Overwatch.exe

02:41:11: Total frames encoded: 77914, total frames duplicated: 23955 (30.75%)
02:41:11: Number of frames skipped due to encoder lag: 21779 (27.95%)
02:41:11: Total frames rendered: 55896, number of late frames: 855 (1.53%) (it's okay for some frames to be late)

Looks to me like your computer isn't keeping up with both playing Overwatch and encoding with OBS at the same time. Overwatch, being a new game, probably uses more cores than most previous games (not 100% sure 'cause I haven't played it myself). If I'm right this means that fewer cores are available for OBS to use.

Anyways, you'll need to decrease your preset from VeryFast to SuperFast... maybe even to UltraFast. You want the Total Frames Duplicated to be less than 1% for a good looking stream, and yours is at over 30%... that's quite a difference and I'm not sure your computer is capable of it.

The other change you should make is to set the Scene buffering time to 700 instead of 400.

If you can't get the total frames duplicated to under 1%, try decreasing the resolution by increasing the downscale. Also make sure your GPU drivers are updated to the latest.

The other thing to try is to increase the Process Priority Class (Settings > Advanced) to make Windows prioritize OBS more. Maybe Overwatch is just a pig and won't let other programs run. Increase the process priority until you feel it in game, then dial it back one notch.


New Member
I think its also important to add that I'm mostly going to be streaming both Overwatch and Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. With the internet that I have now, my internet is 4 upload, do you think I should lower my bitrate to somewhere around 1500? Thanks for all the suggestions!